Tue Aug 10, 2004

Revisiting the WIP’s

I did a little knitting on mom’s sweater today. I am having the hardest time measuring it. The combination of ribbing plus the nature of the cotton I’m using amounts to a lot of give. I can easily get the measurement I’m going for. I can also easily make it a lot bigger AS WELL AS a lot smaller than I’m going for. This is disconcerting. I am really glad that I am making the smallest size, and I think that instead of waiting for my mom to make a duct tape mannequin of herself and shipping it up to me, I’m going to forge ahead into realms unknown. My biggest concern is the size of the armhole. Here’s hoping.

3 Responses to “Revisiting the WIP’s”

  1. Becky Says:

    Best book to use as a guide for measuring yourself and others for adapting patterns: A Knitter’s Template. Better than a duct tape mannequin.

  2. FYRKRKR Says:

    Well, as a sewist and now a knitter, too, I am definitely looking into this mannequin thing! Hmmmm… Art’s really, really good with duct tape and he has all those lovely colors other than just plain ol’ silver… I just need to really get going with the health group and get to a size I’d like to be before I make a mannequin!!!

    The heart doll is adorable! I can just picture Abbs being thrilled at the party and being so proud of having you as her Mom make that lovely doll for her friend! How absolutely special!!! What a wonderful memory for you, too!

  3. Laura Says:

    Oooh, I hadn’t seen that book yet. Thanks Becky!

    Gayle, you’re so sweet. I think you need to get in on Health Group, too. We should get together and work up a plan for you, something to help get you going!

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