Wed Jul 18, 2007

We’re getting our June in July.

We expect rain in June, but this is July. It’s not supposed to rain in July.

It’s dark and dreary, so I had to herd the girls into the bathroom to get enough light for a picture.


It ended up being a two day project, but we’ve got cute little purses. Abby is making a fourth for a birthday gift this weekend.

And although I spent a good hour or more on the stole last night, I still have about 4,000 stitches to go after ripping back 7 rows to fix a mistake.

The girls are standing over my shoulder right now, reading every word I type out loud, and now they’re giggling like crazy people. Doubled over. I can’t even think.

We’re SO putting in a movie.

6 Responses to “We’re getting our June in July.”

  1. Olivia Says:

    I KNOW I KNOW!!!! I made a purse! THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!

  2. Stephanie Says:

    Those turned out so cute! They should be really proud of themselves. Great job!!!

  3. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    That pic is sooo cute! I hope you got one with their giggling faces as well! 🙂

  4. HAYDEN Says:

    Hey, those purses look great! I’m glad they enjoyed making them so much.

  5. Romi Says:

    Very very cute! 🙂

  6. Julie Says:

    Very cool! I’m impressed. You ladies have talent!

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