Sat Jul 21, 2007

Health Group- Year 4, week 3

Good morning!

I made a little progress this week. I still didn’t manage any formal exercise, but I ate better, did some calorie counting, and yesterday I went to the store and loaded up on safe foods to eat so next week is already looking better.

I dropped back down into the teens at 219.4. That was a pleasant surprise.

Nate bought Harry Potter last night at midnight. We stayed up ’til 5 reading it, then slept ’til 9:30. We’ve made arrangements for the girls today, so we can read all day. I’m hoping to get done before church tomorrow, because I really don’t want to hear any spoilers.

Having finished my Sea Silk Stole, and my Daisy Swatch Turned Scarf (I haven’t shown you that one yet), and all my lovely spinning fiber from Black Sheep…. I’m not sure how I’m going to pass the time while Nate reads. So far, I’ve decided to continue with what I’ve been doing the last few days, which is making myself finish things. I’ve resumed spinning rolags from that wretched fleece. I like the resulting yarn, hate the fleece.

I have the remaining wool evenly divided into three bags by color, and only the light colored bag is carded. The medium and dark bags still need to be. The light rolags have been spinning up ok, though it took me awhile to get used to them again, after all the nice roving I’ve been spinning, but when I tried to card more rolags….

I just hate this stupid fleece. So I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to take it.

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