Tue Aug 14, 2007

Unbelievably distracted

I’m, uh, sort of infatuated with Edward Cullen right now.

Yes, it’s embarrassing. I’m a silly, sentimental, romantic little girl. But it’s true.

A friend of mine told me she was reading a fantastic Vampire book. I don’t read. No interest. But Nate is an avid, enthusiastic reader. He devours books. It actually makes me kind of crazy when Hayden comes over on Wednesday nights and she and Nate talk books for the first half hour. (I still love you, Hayden. Just a little jealous).

Anyway, I told Nate about the book, that it came highly recommended. So he bought it, and was a third of the way into it when I came home from spinning group Thursday night. He was really enjoying it, and told me about the plot so far. I was significantly more interested than I usually am when he describes the books he’s reading, (I still didn’t realize it was a relationship book) so he started reading it to me.

There are several reasons why I don’t read. First of all, it’s not how I enjoy spending my time. Secondly, I have a hard time with the mechanics of it. I tend to jump around on the page unwillingly, getting myself confused and taking three times as long as I should to keep finding my place on the page and trying to focus. (This is also why I don’t read a lot of blogs. My mechanical struggles make it extremely frustrating).

Third, when on the rare occasion I do find something interesting or gripping enough to make me want to read it, I can’t do anything else. I know a lot of people say that, but I really mean it. I haven’t been able to eat since last Thursday night. I don’t think I’ve consumed more than 400-600 calories a day since. I’ve lost 7 pounds.

I KNOW I sound psychotic. This is completely insane. Can’t help it. And what’s worse, I’m really enjoying it.

I’ve now read all three books (I don’t sleep, either. Walking is a hazard for me right now) but I’m not mentally able to let go yet, so I’ve started over with book 1. I’m making significant efforts to be a little more sane this time through, and I’m forcing myself to eat, but the smell of food is nauseating.

I had no idea, from my friend’s recommendation, that this was a romantic story. Wildly romantic. Sure, romantic in a high school, adolescent sort of way, but to be honest, that’s my favorite kind of romance story anyway. And my first exposure to the characters was Nate’s reading them to me.

So Edward’s beautiful, adoring voice is Nate’s voice in my head. Not to mention their similar physical makeup. While Nate isn’t the physical embodiment of perfection with the super-strength and muscular definition of an immortal vampire, they’re both tall, light complexioned, lean, and can be breathtakingly handsome.

Yes, yes, I know I’m being completely silly.

But to be honest, Edward says and does some things the way Nate does, and I hear his voice… Being already totally infatuated with my husband, it’s more than I can resist, an incredibly romantic story like this.

So, I’m ridiculous. I’m irresponsible. I’m self indulgent. And Abby’s sweater continues to be ready for neck shaping on the left front, and that’s all. Pre book, I expected hers to be done by now, and to have been well on to Veronica’s. This is totally messing up my timing on the fall sweaters for the kids.

Go ahead and laugh. Call me immature. I don’t really care, nor can I argue. But I haven’t had this much fun in a very long time.

10 Responses to “Unbelievably distracted”

  1. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    Ok, so I know you probably don’t need more enabling at this point… But, if you like that series I think you would REALLY enjoy the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. 😉

  2. Hayden Says:

    OM! I love that series La! I’m so happy that you (and Nate, hi!!) are enjoying it. I completely understand getting so involved with a book that you do nothing else; I’m the same way (although I usually eat.) (Which, you lost seven pounds, yay…what are you buying for your wheel?) I haven’t had a chance to pick up the third book yet, but it’s on my to-do list.

    (I won’t be over tomorrow as I’m going to a Zoo Tunes concert, but I’m on for being there next Wed. Good?)

  3. Patricia Says:

    As for the jumping all over the page thing you are not alone (I hate it when this happens) I have somewhat conquered that though I keep a bookmark or a receipt or some piece of snippet of paper and when it does start happening I put the paper under the line I’m reading and it forces me to read just that line…If you’re that self indulgent don’t ever pick up Harry Potter it just might kill you. j/k 😉

  4. Carrie Says:

    No Way! I just saw a review of these books at the dentist office today and since they take place right here where I live, my interest was piqued. Then, I left the office and promptly forgot the name of the book and author and didn’t think much of it until I saw your post! Crazy.
    Oh, and, Outlander. . . good stuff. Really good stuff.

  5. Dawne Says:

    I love reading and equally enjoy finding out about new books/series reccomended by people that I think are kinda the same as me. I’ve been a reader of your blog forever and just love getting updated on your projects, kids etc.. Even tho I’ve never met you it seems like you would be the kind of person I would really like as a friend (same interests etc.) So, that being said, I’m intrigued by the series you are talking about, it sounds so cool. I re-read your mini ‘review’ and noticed you wrote that it was about vampires? Eeeeek, is it still a ‘nice’ story, like not creepy-weird or anything like that? I’m a christian so I’m just wondering if you think it would still be appealing??
    Thanks Laura – I look forward to your opinion.

  6. Marie Says:

    Laura, I had to laugh when I read your first sentence. I have had a crush on Edward since I read the books. I have a picture in my mind of what he looks like and also what Joshua looks like too. I loved, loved, loved the books. I just finished the third one (if you want to borrow the books, you are welcome to). I’m not a huge reader either, but I got very sucked into this series. And I’m glad I did!!! Hope you are having a good week!

  7. Anonymous Says:

    First, how endearing that after four kids you are still so in love with Nate! Second, when I was about your age I was madly in love with St. Germain, another vampire. I wish the books were still in the library so I could read them all over. Now I am curious about Edward and I checked to see if my library has them for download, but they have them as audiobooks, which I love, but my Mac does not work that program. Bummer.

    As for the books appealing to a Christian, I know one that has found them appealing–Poor Miss Finch herself!

  8. Laura Says:

    It’s true, this story doesn’t offend my christianity at all. It’s a story of moral struggles and love. It’s awesome.

    As for Nate, well, he’s my own little bit of heaven on earth. The longer I’m with him, the more perfect he seems, and I do consider myself ridiculously and unbelievably lucky. Even after nearly 14 years. I couldn’t have wished for more then this.

  9. Monica Says:

    can you do audio books and listen while you knit?

  10. Lisa Says:

    Well, thanks a lot Laura! I have spent the last two days of my romantic week alone with my husband with my nose stuck in Twilight. I brought New Moon home yesterday and put Eclipse on hold at work. Jon is not pleased. I love, love, love Edward….

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