Wed Aug 22, 2007

Well, it’s red



And after


Wow, my hair is long. I didn’t realize. I have my hair up in a twist or braids most of the time because Clark pulls on it a lot, so seeing it hit below my shoulder blades is bizarre. And having it a shocking shade of red is also bizarre. Purple didn’t have near the same effect.

The girls like it. Clark is excitedly intrigued and keeps shoving my face to the side so he can see it. I think it looks sinister, but Nate disagrees. I won’t detail his reaction, but it was… enthusiastic.

I finished the right front of Abby’s cardi yesterday. I hope to block the two fronts today and start on the sleeves. I’m getting excited to work on Veronica’s sweater.

11 Responses to “Well, it’s red”

  1. HAYDEN Says:

    Laura, that looks awesome! I can’t wait to see it in person tonight! (I’m so jealous right now; I can’t wait to do fun colors in my hair!)

    What’s the plan for tonight?

  2. Elizabeth Says:

    That is so cool! Your hair looks so much better than when my sister did it to the underside of her hair.

  3. marti Says:

    I think it looks awesome! You are a braver person than I!

  4. Monique Says:

    omg, i LOVE it. I’ve been thinking of doing this to my hair. same color, but underneith in the back. wow, I just love this!

    i did my hair that color about 10 years ago, I had bleached my hair by brushing the bleach through. Then overdyed it with the red. I loved it, but it quickly turns to orange. I heard later on that a good way to keep the red is to use a little bit of the dye in your shampoo. I’m not sure how you can do that if you only dyed a small part….but worth looking into if you don’t like the orange.

  5. Maggie Says:

    I love it. Hardly sinister. It’s happy and cute!

  6. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    That is totally awesome! I really wish I was brave enough to do that… I saw a woman yesterday at the post office with jet black hair and it was bleached/punk dyed hot pink in even sections on top – sort of like highlights. It looked surprisingly very sophisticated and stylish – she definitely turned people’s heads too. 🙂

  7. Stephanie Says:

    I love it! But then again…I love wild colored hair! I’m sure it looks super cute when you have it up too. So much fun!!

  8. Safeena Says:

    Love it to pieces! My hair is red to begin with, but it’s a pedestrian red. Some prom-queen pink ends would make it go sizzle-pop! Thanks for the inspiration.

  9. Jeanie Says:

    My kids would love if I did that to my hair! It looks fun. Why does Nate like to have your hair colored? Just wondering:)

  10. yvette Says:

    Oooh, its pretty, bet it looks great in braids.

  11. cassandra Says:

    I personally LOVE that you did something fun. It’s an outward manifestation of what you feel on the inside. C

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