Tue Sep 25, 2007

Knitting woes

I finished Abby’s sweater, finally.


I’ll try to get a model shot soon.

It turned out better than I was thinking it would, towards the end. As I was seaming it together, the fronts were overlapping considerably, so I decided that instead of tying the tops together with icord as originally intended, I’d just trim out the neck and let her pin it closed with a brooch. As it turns out, once I knit the icord onto the neck, it tightened up nicely, and I could have continued to knit the ties, but Abby was excited about the pinning option, so that’s what she’s going to do.

(Unfortunately, the pin that looks best on it is my Lord of the Rings Butterfly Brooch. And she’s totally not getting that).

Something I hadn’t anticipated was that she finds the sweater itchy.


Hopefully, she’ll still wear it with a long sleeved shirt underneath. Veronica’s sweater is going to be knit with Lamb’s Pride also. I wonder if she’ll find it itchy as well.

I’ve had a hard time getting motivated to pick up the needles again. I’ve swatched a few things, but nothing is grabbing me. Nothing is calling to me. There are so many other things to do. Plus, Clark is being difficult again. He wants to be held all the time, he’s not sleeping well, or predictably, so when he does take a long nap, I’m still waiting for the moment he wakes up, rather than making good use of the time.

And we aren’t even going to talk about nights. I’ll just say that I’m really, really tired. So much so that I couldn’t get myself to exercise yesterday. I have to make up for it today, and I’m hoping I can.

If I do end up having time for an extra project, what I really need to do is finish the bedroom curtains. It’s making me crazy having them half done.

7 Responses to “Knitting woes”

  1. Sue Says:

    I used to always be tired when my daughter was young as she never slept. In the end I used to take the phone off the hook and lie down with her for 2 hours for a nap, and we both felt much better afterwards. I love the cardigan that you knit too, so beautiful. Pity that it itches, although I itch from wool too around the neck and wrists and always have to wear something under it too. I cant wait to see your next design.

  2. Stephanie Says:

    I have been doing some baby knitting but finished the last of it up a few days ago. Now I’m totally blaming you for tonight’s non-knitting…and probably the next few as well. I just started reading Twilight. So…I’m sure I’ll get all obsessed and read through the night until it’s done. But not tonight….maybe tomorrow. I’m exhausted too. Darn kids! 🙂 I hope you get some rest soon 🙂

  3. Monica Says:

    the ‘no sleep’ stage is the hardest part of parenting. Except for the stage where they wipe cream cheese on the walls. I’d better go clean that up.

  4. Dawn Says:

    I’ve found that with Lamb’s Pride I need to put some hair conditioner in the rinse water to help with the itchiness. I use Johnson and Johnson for babies. I can’t recall off hand the right name for it.

  5. cassandra barney Says:

    Do you ever do trades? I have this lovely, handprinted lithograph…or something.
    I remember those days of not being able to put babies down…seems so long ago. sigh….

  6. Annie Says:

    ooooo pretty! How great:0)

  7. Emy Says:

    That sweater is beautiful…

    You just probably need someone to come in and babysit for a while so that you can have a good crashout in bed. 🙂

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