Tue Jul 8, 2008


Veronica was launched off her bike, downhill, forehead first into the curb last night. Nate and I were standing right there with our neighbor, watching in horrific slow motion as she came towards us. She almost fell once, almost fell twice, perhaps a third time, then crashed.

We were lucky. She’s not hurt. Her helmet is banged up, right in front, and now I’m wanting to take the all girls in to be properly fitted with brand new helmets. If she hadn’t been wearing one, or if it had been loose enough to push out of the way, she’d be in the hospital. I have no doubt.

Seriously, her first point of impact was her forehead.

Her hands aren’t even scraped. It was awful.

Nate is painting various colors on the front of our house in a continued search for the right one.

We’re not there yet. But we might be close.

Also, while habitually perusing the new Modernism magazine, Nate spotted an ad for these guys.

Holy cow, we want one. Dang, they’re expensive.

5 Responses to “Scary”

  1. Mim Says:

    My husband was an engineer for the company Bell Helmets. They would get amazing letters about how helmets had saved childrens lives. We have a pretty stiff rule at our house about helmets! I’m glad she’s okay and I’m super glad you made her wear her helmet.

  2. Maggie Says:

    I don’t know about the colours on the walls, but I do like that green on the corner!

    Laura, I just spent 20 minutes at that door site, drooling! Who knew all those styles would look so modern again now! Gorgeous.

  3. Eric Says:

    I have a strong appreciation for helmets. I’ve had a similar experience with Sully and myself. In both cases I’m convinced we would have had long stays in the hospital if we weren’t wearing helmets. I’m so glad she’s ok.

  4. susan Says:

    I’ve done that to a bike helmet once (I was coasting downhill, looking over my shoulder to check traffic, and hit a speed bump). I’d always thought that “seeing stars” was a figure of speech.

    Glad that she was wearing one, and glad that she’s okay.

    And I’m a fan of the green on the corner wall, too. 🙂

  5. Connie Says:

    Save the banged-up helmet so Veronica can show friends at school who may think helmets are a waste of time. Equally important, have her demonstrate the proper way to wear the helmet—way too many kids (and adults) wear them on the back of their heads where they do little good.

    I’ve just demonstrated the value of a helmet. Mine is cracked. I also landed on elbow and knee and have spectacular road rash. Veronica is lucky she missed that.

    The doctor says I would have had anything from a mild concussion to serious brain injury.

    All this because a dog decided to run out in front of me as I was going about 5 mph.

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