Thu Dec 18, 2008

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We spent 2 hours last night in the snow. It was so fun.

We’ve discovered that 4 people (me and 3 kiddos) can fit on our foam sled thing. Clark had a blast and walked his little self right back up the hill.

My two roller coaster junkies are also sledding junkies.

Nate stayed in. Clark watched the neighbor shovel his drive

This morning, it was a block party out front, and I saw from the window V shooting down the hill like a bullet, and missing by inches 3 different groups of socializers who weren’t paying appropriate attention. She took out one of their unoccupied sleds. Sent it flying. It was hilarious. Another time, she was flying down the hill doing 360s. Usually, that would slow the sled down, but this time it didn’t, and she was ecstatic.

So we’re laying low today. Watching the snow and eating. Once some chores are done, I hope to break out the spinning wheel and relax for a bit.

My elbow is killing me. I have to lay off the guitar for awhile, but it’s so hard when there’s so much Christmas music to be played! I only have another week or so!

One Response to “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”

  1. Stephanie Says:

    We don’t have any hills around here for the kids to sled down 🙁 But we do have tons of snow in the back yard for them to throw at eachother 🙂

    Have a warm and mellow snowday!

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