Fri Dec 19, 2008

Here we go again

Why do I continue to slave over an oven for a couple hours every year when the result is always architectural humiliation?

Because it’s fun. And because if you knew him, you’d know that he’s not trying to out do us, he’s trying to out do him.

Plus, it makes for good pictures and even better memories.

So, my internet shy friend and her family are going to brave the icy roads sometime today

to make gingerbread houses.

I’m baking. The first batch is used up, so I’ve begun the second.

And my ring is in a safe place.

See it? Antlers?

And I failed last night. It was bound to happen I suppose. I was super tired and forgot to bring in the hummingbird feeder. I hope they all survived, but we definitely still have some.

One Response to “Here we go again”

  1. Stephanie Says:

    Are those giant cookie cutters for the gingerbread houses? I *so* need those!!! Where did you get them? I have made gingerbread houses in the past but just made templates and they were total failures because the pieces didn’t match up well enough etc. etc. so I haven’t made any in years. I loved it though…and would love to make them again. The store bought ones are fun but I think the homemade ones are way better. I can’t wait to see what all of yours look like!

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