Mon Dec 22, 2008

One foot

That’s how much snow we have. I can’t remember ever having this much snow here. It’s beautiful, and I’d be completely happy, but my mom is planning to fly in this afternoon and we’re going to have to brave the roads for 20 +miles each way to get her. It makes me very nervous.

Our gingerbread houses were fun.

(And I totally blurred you, I-S-F)

They didn’t end up as ornate or colorful as in years past. The kids and Nate lost interest rather quickly, and I think it had partly to do with the fact that the icing was too stiff and hard to squeeze. I didn’t know that ’til later. Also, we were pretty tired. But the husband half of our internet shy friend was diligent for hours.

Nate made an aquarium,

complete with candy cane filtration and wafer cookie florescent light fixtures. And they’re even goldfish!

There were two kid houses going. The first collapsed before I got to see it.

The second was condemned and abandoned because apparently, the workers were leaning on it. They refocused their efforts on fort building in a bedroom.

I spent much of the night chatting with my internet shy friend and my brother, and humoring him with my pathetic solo attempts on the guitar. Tho’ I didn’t get any pictures of me playing, just my brother.

I don’t know why I’m even telling you this, it’s probably my “full disclosure” personality, and I have been laying off the guitar except for that night… but between that and my sudden decision to take on some Christmas knitting I’m having to rely on Aleve again. I ache.

Veronica had an unfortunate encounter with a shoveled sidewalk the other day. A well meaning adult tried to stop her sled at the bottom of the hill and sent her flying face first into it.

In person it looks much, much worse. She’s healing well though. We’re keeping it lubed with antibiotic ointment.

Lastly, Liv knit a hat with her handspun!

We’re so happy for her. And very proud.

10 Responses to “One foot”

  1. Abigail Says:

    Ouch, poor Veronica!

    And congratulations, Liv, that is really a great accomplishment. The hat is lovely!

    The gingerbread houses are great, very clever fishtank:)

  2. Hayden Says:

    Hey La,

    Wow, all of those gingerbread creations look great! I hope they last through the New Year. Also, did you get more/new pictures for your dining room? And hello to your Internet Shy Friend!

    Poor Veronica! I hope that the scrapes and cuts don’t hurt anymore. And way to go, Liv! Your new hat looks great on you.

    Sorry that you’re elbows are hurting you so much! I really was hoping that they’d heal for you, so you could knit/spin/play the guitar without pain.

  3. Jeanie Says:

    It looked like a really fun night! Poor Veronica though:( But, Yea for Liv-the hat is awesome!!!!!!

  4. Stephanie Says:

    OUCH!!! Poor kid. Liv’s hat is AWESOME!!! Way to go girl! She must be very proud of herself 🙂 I know that I will cherish the mitts I made from some of my first handspun 🙂 I’m hoping we’ll get some rain soon and clear a little of the snow off the streets. I don’t mind it everywhere else…but on the streets….nuh-uh.

  5. I.S.F. Says:

    When I realized that you blurred us I laughed and laughed! : )
    And that was before I got to your mention of blurring us!
    (Hi Hayden!!!)
    It was and always is fun hanging out with you guys, and your rock star brother!
    Oooh, new discovery this year on the gingerbread front! Golden Grahams cereal not only makes excellent light weight shingles material, but it also tastes really yummy with frosting! The husband finally let us destroy and devour his wonderful creation, and boy is it yummy. Don’t think it’s going to make it to New Year’s, Hayden. Laura’s gingerbread is just too good! : )

  6. I.S.F. Says:

    OH!!! Forgot to say, awesome Job Olivia! I am totally impressed with the hat, and with your guitar playing too! Keep up the good work!

  7. Suzanne Says:

    Liv’s hat is WONDERFUL!!
    Your family inspires me!! 🙂

  8. kirstiin Says:

    Hey, Sam, cool shirt!!!

  9. Katie Says:

    Yay, Liv! Also I love seeing all your family’s gingerbread creations every year – so fun. This year we made a gingerbread tree. We have been staying in Bellingham (snowed in) for 7 days now and are hoping to go home soon. We love our family, but come on… this snow is unreal!

  10. Sarah-Jane Davies Says:

    Don’t you think it could have been the painting of the slats that set off the pains in your arms? That’s another reason for ‘never again’!

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