Sat Jan 31, 2009

Health Group- Year 5, week 34

I’m short on time, so this will be quick.

I did an hour of elliptical on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and 50 minutes on Thursday. I did 30 minutes of weights and strengthening a couple times this week, including Friday, and I intend to get an hour of elliptical in today.

I’ve lost the three pounds I gained last week, so I’m back to where I was 2 weeks ago. My measurements are basically the same. I’m down an inch in my waist, but again, that had shot up last week, too. So, I’m pretty much the same. After 4 weeks of dedicated exercise and calorie counting.

Here are my thoughts.

The first week when I dropped four pounds, I was drinking a ton of water. I’ve struggled to do that since. So I can work harder at that. I’m frequently coming in under my minimum calorie target. So that may be something to think about. I’ve been out of my vitamins for a couple weeks, so I need to get those. I feel a lot better when I take them, and they’re the first vitamin EVER I’ve been able to say that about.

All in all, while I would love to be losing weight, I’m really happy with the effort I’m putting in. I feel better. And I’m still optimistic that my body will change. So I’m going to keep on, keep on.

4 Responses to “Health Group- Year 5, week 34”

  1. Sara Says:

    Laura, I’m so proud of you! Keep it up… soon enough the results will come! You’re my hero!

  2. Jen Says:

    Congratulations on 4 weeks of hard work! You’ve got to eat enough, though, (and some say frequently) or your body will think you’re starving or something and slow your metabolism. And with the weight training, you should be able to drop inches even if the weight takes longer. Good luck!!

  3. Doug Ingoldsby Says:

    Hi Laura, Someone called and told us you had linked to our site at ALL ONE. Thanks! I just wrote a blog about our “weight loss formula” which along with our multiple powders can be very helpful. Here’s the link:
    Keep up the good work and thanks again for recommending ALL ONE!

  4. Jules Says:

    Laura, have you tried the Weight Loss formula that ALL ONE does I noticed it on their site and it looks really interesting. I am trying the Fruit Antioxidant and loving it. Thanks for the tip! keep up the hard work!

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