Mon Feb 2, 2009

HOW many WIP’s?

I have this sort of unwritten rule that I won’t have more than three “Works-In-Progress” at any given time. That would be WIP’s in knitting. If I counted music, spinning, dyeing, etc. I’d be in big trouble. But for knitting specifically, no more than three.

So, I was surprised the other night when I went to list my WIP’s and there were many. Now, some of them had fallen into the “have no intent to finish” category, and that’s ok. Those don’t count. But if that’s the case, I should get them off needles and rewind the yarn.

Here are the two lists-

To finish-

-Clark’s sweater. So close. Half a sleeve cap left.
-Clark’s tiny little socks. Half of one done, but how long can they take to finish? I really just started them so I’d have something easy to do at Nate’s Christmas party.
-the girls’ mosaic mitts. I have two rows of hem left, then I bind off, block, and weave in ends.

You can see that I’m really close here. What’s holding me up? It’s like there’s a brain-block or something.

The second list, entitled-

To Ponder-

-those stupid purple koigu fingerless mitts that I can’t remember how to make since I made them up and wrote pattern notes all over various scraps of paper that have vanished. One is finished, the other is about half done, and I’m an idiot.
-A red star hat with handspun that I made up. I didn’t like how it was turning out. I need to reclaim my needle and wind it back up. Why haven’t I done that yet? I think it’s because I love this little stitch and I want to find a use for it before I forget about it.
-those hideous pink chevron socks. I hate them. Abby loves them. I should just finish them up for her, or turn them into fingerless mitts which would be cute… But I feel no desire to pick them up again, and I’m not sure where that stitch pattern is anyway. I must reclaim that needle.
– Liv’s cable yoke sweater. Poor Liv. She wants my knits more than anybody, and she gets the least of them. But I have to frog all of what I’ve knit on her sweater so far because it’s turning out too small. And it’s cables, which aggravate my tennis elbows. I’ve thought about turning it into a long, cabled vest/jacket with a waist tie. Perhaps…
-Finally, there’s that horrible octagon shawl from Victorian Lace Today that I’ve wanted for-EVER. It’s only horrible because the yarn that I thought was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, isn’t. It was Colinette. It was expensive. I SO don’t splurge on stuff like that for myself. But this time I did, and it looks like I’m knitting lace fatigues.


Hopefully, I haven’t forgotten anything.

The reason I labeled that second list “To Ponder” is because when I wrote it out last night, I was thinking about just plowing through them all and making myself finish them. However now that I’ve posted it, and used words like “stupid”, “hideous”, and “horrible”…. I’m thinking that frogging it all will bring an inner peace that sounds very pleasant.

I have new things I want to work on that I cannot allow ’til those lists are cleaned up.

Tomorrow and Wednesday I’m hauling wool, batts, three spinning wheels, and possibly a carder into school to demonstrate and assist kids in spinning as a part of their medieval studies. This is the first set of three units in the next couple of months. Wish me well.

Oh, and I have a question…

I’ve been FREEZING cold. Uncharacteristically so. My fingers and toes will actually hurt from being cold. When we first get into bed at night, I’m always way warmer than Nate is, and he always puts his cold hands and feet on me to warm up. He calls me his space heater (Twilight reference). But not recently.

Additionally, I’ve had a solid week of vivid and extremely stressful dreams and wake up exhausted.

I’m exercising! This isn’t supposed to happen! I should have improved circulation and be getting more rest from my sleep! Those are the rules! Aside from the losing weight part, which isn’t happening, either.

And I don’t think I’m pregnant.

Any thoughts?

4 Responses to “HOW many WIP’s?”

  1. Connie Says:

    Sometimes when you’re cold, it means that your thyroid level is low. One quite TSH blood test solves that one if your doctor agrees.

  2. carol gilchrist Says:

    I too have 7 on the needles… prompted my own Blog post… Thanks (:

  3. Suzanne Says:

    My first thought was hypothyroid. Symptoms include gaining weight/unable to lose weight and being cold. I’m sure a quick google search will help you identify the symptoms. I hear you on the WIPs–I have a massive number!

  4. Missy Says:

    It sounds like you are hypothyroid – low functioning thyroid. Get a blood test and check it out. It is very common….

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