Wed Sep 30, 2009

Ok, yesterday sucked

So, the doctor appt took most of the day. Nate was there for the ultrasound, and they were running extremely late, despite the fact that we had a morning appointment.

So Nate was stressed ’cause he had to get to work.

We ended up flipping the dr appt with the ultrasound, and at the doctor appointment, my blood pressure was high.

It’s NEVER high.

So I got to have my blood drawn. Again. My levels of what-ever-they-were-looking-for were a little high, but not enough to deliver me immediately. Thank goodness.

The baby’s heartrate was low. So after the ultrasound and appt, Nate took Clark to my mother-in-law’s so I could stay for a non-stress test. The baby passed just fine.

At the ultrasound, the technician measured and said the baby was already 9 pounds. Her eyes popped out of their sockets. I was expecting it. Even though I’m not big enough to look full term, I knew he was big. He’s just cuddled up in my body, squishing all my organs to heck.

I’ve effaced 50% and dilated to 1 cm since last Wednesday, which is huge progress for me. I don’t tend to progress fast before I’m in labor, so who knows if I’ll make it ’til Monday, when my induction is scheduled?

That’s my news.

I’m sicker today than I was yesterday, probably ’cause of the long day and stress yesterday. I’m going to try to rest today. I have a bit of work to do for Nate on the computer still, then I’ll knit more on the Goldfish socks. I think I may have started the gusset a little too late and may need to rip it out, but I hope not.

3 Responses to “Ok, yesterday sucked”

  1. Kathode Ray Tube Says:

    You have a lot going on! Good luck with everything….good that the dilation and effacement are beginning.

  2. Diana Says:

    Hey – Maybe we’ll be in the hospital at the same time – I’ll be at Overlake. I am 1cm dialated, 70% effaced and anterior… who knows when my time will come though. So mysterious!!

  3. Donna Says:

    Wow! I hope you start feeling better before the baby gets here. 9 lbs!!!! Good luck. 🙂

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