Thu Oct 1, 2009

So much for that

I didn’t knit a stitch ’til early this morning, when I finished the gusset, turned the heel, got partway through the heel flap and realized that, without a doubt, the foot on my sock was too long.

Why can’t I ever knit anything right the first (or even second) time?

So I frogged it. I’ve re-knit the gusset and am ready to turn the heel. So far, I’m seriously digging this pattern. I’m only using the gusset/heel/flap instructions and applying them to my Goldfish sock. The gusset is really nice. I have a very high instep, so I need it. I’m suspecting that I probably need a little more gusset than this pattern gives, but I’m going to knit it as written on this pair, and adjust on future pairs if needed.

Mediocre knitting picture-


They’re probably not going to be ready for the hospital, but I’ll get as much done as I can.


The baby descended yesterday. I wouldn’t say he’s actually dropped, or low, but he’s most definitely lower. I can see it when I look at myself straight on. I didn’t have any stomach trouble when I went to bed last night. I feel pressure in my hips and other, low-type areas of my body. I almost fell down in the school parking lot yesterday, picking up the girls for Cross Country, from a sciatica attack. Fortunately, I was right next to my car so I could grab/lay on my bumper ’til it passed. I felt like a dork and the principal walked right by, looking straight ahead and pretending that she didn’t see someone almost fall down in front of her. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

So what do you think? Does this look like a 39 week, 9 pound baby to you?


I remember looking much bigger with Veronica, but I don’t think I waddled this much.

I am feeling much better (from the sinus infection). I’m planning to go to Costco this morning. Depending on how I feel after that, I may venture out in search of pajamas for the hospital. Or the grocery store. Then I want to come home and knit some orange socks.

3 Responses to “So much for that”

  1. sue Says:

    I remember when I had my daughter and she was 9lb 2 and very heavy although she came out very long and heavy and didnt look big at all. I used to get terrible ligament pain where sometimes I couldnt even go into work because I couldnt walk around for a few hours. You look very cute. I always think that boys like to sit up higher than girls, well at least that is how I felt. Sometimes feeling like your ribs were being pushed to their limits. My son was always quiet and hardly ever kicked which was a bit worrysome but my daughter used to do the kicking non stop and used to keep my partner awake at night too which was funny. I hope everything goes well for you with the birth and you feel much better afterwards. Your socks are looking great and I love the color. I would be a bit worried about the principal of the school ignoring you too, not very good is it.

  2. Jean Says:

    I think you look great. I like the socks you are working on too.
    That was not very caring of the principle to walk right by you. To me a caring person would have asked if you were ok. Hope everthing goes well for you. Hey how about the name ian? Jean

  3. pamelamama Says:

    You look just adorable!

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