Wed Dec 2, 2009

Oh, to be 3

Right now, Clark is throwing a bit of a tantrum in his room. He’s been at it for 20 minutes or so. Know why? Because Nate told him he couldn’t have the pen I was using to write my grocery list with this morning. I’m hearing “I WANNA PEN!!!!” over and over again. I have gone in and said, “If you want a pen, come out and get one.”

It’s had no effect.

The brioche decreases, as I suspected, aren’t as difficult as they look written out. But I find that’s true for most things.


I don’t think these are written particularly well, which may mean that I’m doing them wrong but it’s working out anyway. Whatever the case may be, I’m getting a good result, and I think I understand the concept well enough to adapt it to the hat I intend to design for my mother-in-law.

Here’s an amusing picture that clearly shows how long it took me to figure out how to do the transition from round to round.


Liv had an orchestra concert last night. She got to play the triangle in one of the songs. Bad mom, when I heard about it some time ago, I assumed that meant she was really struggling with that song and they “put her on triangle” for the sake of the performance. Come to find out, she’s doing really well, and had the sense of timing necessary to play the triangle accurately. Yay, Liv!


That is definitely a mark of improvement on her part. Timing wasn’t a strength of hers going in to music lessons, but (again, bad mom) having the subject brought up recently, I suddenly realized she’s doing significantly better in her guitar strumming now too, and that’s certainly about timing. Another bonus to her playing the triangle is that she stood up, so I could actually SEE her enough to get a picture.

Here’s a picture of Max I snapped this morning as the sun hit the back of the hood of his swing creating some neat light.


Clark is rummaging through our pen drawer now. He hasn’t thrown a tantrum in quite awhile. I think he needs some protein.

One Response to “Oh, to be 3”

  1. sue Says:

    Ooh isnt Max a cutie. Well done on Liv for doing so well in her music lessons. My daughter’s dance teacher says the best food for grumpy children is bananas as it gives them the energy boost they need. I just wish my daughter would eat them so she can stop having her little tantrums too and she is 8 yrs old!

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