Fri Dec 4, 2009


My house is messy, and I haven’t been able to do much beyond dishes. It’s driving me crazy. My brain doesn’t work when things are this cluttered. Yesterday, I left the house at 11:45 and didn’t stop running around, in and out, here and there, ’til 8:45 at night. Bah! My poor little baby. Both the boys tolerated it beautifully, but still.

This morning after taking the girls to school, I have to run to the store (in my pajamas, I’ll tell you) for diapers. Then I can come home for half an hour or so before having to go back to school for Veronica’s play performance. (Hopefully, I’ll be dressed by then, but I’m not counting on it). THEN, I’m coming home and so help me, I’m not leaving again unless it catches FIRE!

I want to get things straightened up around here so we can spend the weekend decorating for Christmas. I don’t know how that’s going to be possible at this point, with the whole week shot.

I finished the brioche hat for Abby a couple days ago. I wanted to take a picture, but didn’t get to before she was off to band this morning. I haven’t touched the Log Cabin in days. I was able to spend an hour from 10-11 pm last night relaxing with my guitar. That was nice. I was playing “Last Christmas” by Wham. It’s an easy song to play, but I don’t know the verses really well yet. The Christmas Song is another story. I can sing the whole thing, of course, but It’s pretty much all barre chords. The weird ones. Major 7s, Major 6s, 13ths…

I’m still bemoaning the fact that despite my goal every day this week to get things cleaned up, it’s Friday and I’m surrounded by mess.

Talk about feeling powerless.

3 Responses to “Whine”

  1. tonya Says:

    I feel your pain. I feel like sometimes I go to bed with a clean kitchen and wake up to a mess!

  2. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    I am so with you – I’ve been trying to clean up all week because we are decorating for Christmas on Sunday after church. Not much luck there, and the kids haven’t been helping at all. At least I managed to get the laundry done and wrote/recorded my song for the Yarn Train. Did you see it?

  3. Donna Says:

    Wham? That totally makes me want to come over to play guitar!

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