Tue Feb 22, 2005

I am lame

Remember the laptop that Nate spent hours getting ready for me to take on my vacation and thereby post from? Well, it’s sitting on the couch back home along with Veronica’s bag and, worst of all, the digital camera. I am so bugged,

Fortunately, I can post from mom’s WebTV. She says she even has a USB port on her WebTV unit, which means I REALLY should have packed the camera and its accompanying cable in a bag that actually made it into the truck!!!

So I’m going to have Nate back home upload a picture for me of Grandma’s socks that I have on the computer up there.


That is both socks, the back of one, and the front of the other. I’m about to start the gussets. This is the first pair of socks I’ve made using a reinforcing thread, and I’m anxious to see how they turn out and how they wear.

(And Grandma, like I said, if you don’t like them, I’m happy to make you something else).

Despite all of this, we’re having a good time. My knitting basket made it down with us, fortunately, or I’d have to be hitting the yarn store down here (which I’m going to do anyway- hee hee). A vacation without needles and yarn just wouldn’t be a vacation to me.

It’s snowing down here, I think it’s very strange that I’m more excited than my kids are. My brother, who has no business looking as old as he does, (in my mind, he’ll always be nine), is grooving on the guitar until he leaves for work. Mom is making breakfast… It’s just fun.

No Responses to “I am lame”

  1. sarah Says:

    Hi Laura, you’re in Portland, right? welcome! make sure you stop by Mabel’s while you’re here, it’s the best…



  2. Laura Says:

    Nope, I’m in Bend. Portland would have been a much shorter drive.

  3. Wryly Says:

    At least you know where your digital camera is. Apparently mine is in some cab in DC!
    But isn’t that the always the way? All the running around and you forget something. At least it wasn’t one of the girls.

    What colours are the Weasley sweaters going to be?

  4. Katie Says:

    Laura – Sounds like you’re having a great time, even though you forgot a few things… I can identify… 🙂
    Sarah – that Mabel’s looks like my kind of place… If I’m ever down in that area, I’ll be sure to stop by and have a mocha while I peruse all that lovely yarn! There’s a place up here that sells yarn and tea, which is ok – but it’s not the same as a coffeehouse!

  5. Heidi Says:

    Hi Laura,

    Lucky you, going on vacation!! Does this mean no knitting on Friday night? I need to start a new project, any idea’s suggestions for a novice? Hope to see you back soon, have fun!

    Heidi the Canyan Creek kid 🙂

  6. Michelle Says:

    Sadly, I can relate to forgetting things at home. Life as a mom, I call it. I laughed at your comment about your brother. It’s so true. My little brother turned 24 last fall. That’s just wrong. Of course, my older siblings still see me as the annoying little 9 year old too…lol. Keep having fun on your vacation! Love the socks by the way. The colors are gorgeous!

  7. Jenny Says:

    We’re still glad to hear from you even without vacation photos! this is at least the second time this winter that you have had snow, and we have not. I can’t even blame my sore knee on sled riding! Isn’t it funny how someone gets older looking when You haven’t seen them for a while. I have several cousins coming in from out of state this week, and I haven’t seen any of them for a long time. How can I look my adult cousin Jeff in the face when my last memory is of giving him a bath (he was 2 years old)with my eyes closed, haha! (I knew my mother wouldn’t approve, and I was a good girl!)
    We’re all glad that you’re having a good time.

  8. Angela Says:

    Okay… So, I have been reading your blog everyday for about 2 months, and I don’t think that I have posted anything yet…
    I hope you are having a great time on vaction!! 🙂
    I would like to ask if you happen to remember the pattern for the hat you made out of the left over NORO yarn from the fingerless mitts from SNB? I really love the hat! Well, I love all hats, and since I have some left over NORO yarn from my mitts I was hoping you would share!!!

  9. Emy Says:

    Enjoy your vacation & Nate’s such a sweetheart to do photo posting for you!

    Now I can’t help wishing hubby would learn that trick too 🙂

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