Fri Dec 11, 2009

Pretty blanket

It’s finished. I will still need to wash and block it at some point, but it’s serviceable and I want to get it out to my mother-in-law. It doesn’t match my house one bit, but isn’t for my house, and it’s pretty.



6 skeins of Cascade 220 with plenty leftover, but not enough to make another 2 rounds of color pattern, and 1 more round would look incomplete. I checked.

Size 6 bamboo circular needle.

Despite it’s small size, it’s quite warm. A convenient knitting project for our sub-freezing weather.

I want one.

It’d have to be superwash to be practical in this house.

3 Responses to “Pretty blanket”

  1. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    It’s beautiful!

  2. Jean Says:

    very pretty!!!

  3. susan Says:

    So, so pretty! And I’m still impressed how quickly you finished!

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