Mon Dec 14, 2009




just noticed that he doesn’t have a stocking.


I’d brought up the bag o’ stocking yarn a week or so ago from the basement with the intent to finish his. I have about an inch of it knit from a couple years ago. Now, I DO have a stocking for him, it’s even one I made, it just isn’t part of the set that the girls hung from the kitchen island yesterday.


It’s still in the garage with the other misfit stockings that we don’t use anymore. They’re cool, but they’re huge, mismatched, and a few years ago I decided I wanted to make us all smaller stockings (easier to “stuff” and Santa is appreciative) from a single color palette, so while they’re all different, they clearly belong together.

I have plenty of yarn, but as with most other things I’d like to do, lack the time. However now that it’s been noticed, I need to move it up on the priority list.

The kids decorated our tree yesterday. It looks pretty good. I still have boxes of ornaments in the garage, but I’m not sure if they’ll make it out this year. As I’ve said a lot recently, I’m tired and it’s just not that important to me. The white poles in the kitchen are candy-cane wrapped with ribbon. The poinsettia garland is up. I’m not sure what else we’ll get done before Christmas. Maybe we’ll save setting up the nativity for Christmas Eve? That could be fun.

On Saturday morning, Nate and the kids watched the Charlie Brown Christmas Special on the laptop in our bed.


I am not a fan of the Charlie Brown holiday specials. I can’t get over how mean everyone is to each other, and most especially to Charlie Brown. Verbally abusive and belittling. It makes me sad. But my family enjoys it, and that’s ok.

Here’s a cute picture of Max from this morning.


Brandy, we’re really enjoying the blanket you made. Now that he’s a little bigger, it’s perfect for a good, sturdy swaddle. Thanks!

5 Responses to “Uh-oh!”

  1. Julie Says:

    Ohhhhh…………Max is soooooo cute!

    : )


  2. sue Says:

    I love your xmas stockings – they all look great there together. Isnt Max just so adorable.

  3. susan Says:

    Those are awesome stockings!

  4. Jean Says:

    I too really like your stockings. they make me want to make some too!!! BUt my knitting abilities aren’t that great!!
    Your baby is so adorable!!!

  5. Kathode Ray Tube Says:

    Those kids really are horrible to Charlie Brown, aren’t they? Downright nasty. But the music on that special is great.

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