Thu Mar 10, 2005

So, I’m cheating

Yeah, um, I swatched for the pretty, cabled cardi yesterday…


and while my width is good, my height is too big. Blast. So, I’m thinking about springing for some Addi Turbos and seeing if I can get a better gauge swatch with it. Almost all of my needles are Clover bamboo. I haven’t knit with Encore for a long time and It didn’t go very well. The Encore was clinging to the needles, which was annoying. Plus, my stitches don’t look very even. It didn’t feel very good, so hopefully the steel needles will be better all around.

I’ve been putting off finishing the grandma’s other sock until I try the completed one on a small foot. Pete’s bag is still in need of sewing. The doll, sorry Carrie, is still in need of legs and hair. I didn’t write any patterns. Wow, I was ambitious on Monday, wasn’t I? I did make some progress on the Manos Mitt. And that’s about it.

Today, I’m going to my LYS to see if I can talk her into ordering some Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece for Cable-Eight. That’s my knit-along news for the day. Does anyone else have anything to show or tell?

To avoid a complete dud of a post, wanna see something pretty?



My friend Katie has started making needle cases. This holds circulars and double points. (And short straights, I suppose). I love the fabric. She makes them in many colors, and a few of the local yarn stores are selling them. Way to go, Katie! She includes a little pouch with iron on numbers, so you can customize and decide what you want where, then label it. She and I worked out a swap- yarn for needle case. I’m quite happy with that. If you’d like one too, let me know, and I’ll get you in touch!

5 Responses to “So, I’m cheating”

  1. Sue Says:

    The cases are gorgeous, Laura! E-mail me and let me know what she’s charging!


  2. Emy Says:

    Ooh…they all look lovely! (Drooling)

  3. Katie Says:

    Yay – You posted about my needle cases! Thank you, I feel so honored! 🙂 If anyone wants more details, they can email me at [email>[/email>

  4. Rebekah Says:

    Those are great needle cases. Good work, Katie!

    Laura, I know what you mean by having lots of plans only to end up doing something different! We’ve all been there. It’s nice every so often. (Though I would loooooooove to see a pattern for the Lauralund. It’s beauty-ful and I must have one!!! But no rush…:) )

    I have no updates on the south side of the Cable-8-a-long. I’ve been battling a vicious sinus infection an bronchitis. I haven’t knitted anything in a week…I haven’t even gotten yarn. 🙁 I looked at the cotton fleece but worried it would be too warm for Atlanta summers. Good old Cotton-Ease is starting to look good. I might just use it. I’ll keep you posted!

  5. Laura Says:

    Rebekah- I ordered 10 skeins of Cotton Fleece in the Terracotta-whatever color. I’m concerned it might be too thin, but if that’s the case, I’ll make a lacy cardi/wrap with it.

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