Sat Mar 12, 2005

Health Group- week 39

Good morning! How are you doing out there? I’m not up to where I want to be, but I feel I’m making little improvements.

Tuesday- I did physical therapy, and I was going to do the treadmill, but my hip was really hurting (weird) so I didn’t
Wednesday- I didn’t exercise because I was going to a belly dancing open house at night, and I figured I’d get it in then. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to DO any belly dancing, so Wednesday was a bust.
Thursday- physical therapy and 50 minutes of treadmill! Woo-hoo!
Friday- physical therapy

Today, I am confident I’ll get my exercise in. So, another so-so week, but I did something, and I’m eating better.

Let’s hear some progress… Who had a great week?

UPDATE- I did it. I took the dog for a 2 mile walk on this beautiful sunny day. Later, I may do some weights. Have a good one!

No Responses to “Health Group- week 39”

  1. Lisa Says:

    Hi Laura –
    I know I’m not officially in your Health Group – but after making a big purchase of an elliptical a month ago I have been trying trying trying to work out.
    For three weeks I barely missed a beat. But this last week it seems like life got in the way. And that irritates me. I only worked out on Wednesday and barely yesterday. And I’m trying to convince myself to work out today. I have to find some motivation.
    But anyway – that’s how my week was. 🙂 I’m glad you had a good week.

  2. Dani Says:

    Lisa, I envy you SO much right now! I really would like to have an elliptical machine. I’m one of those strange creatures who actually uses workout equipment when I have access to it, but we can’t really afford our own. We’ve had a few loaner treadmills and I used them regularly. Can you talk yourself into working out in the AM b4 the rest of the household wakes up?

    As for me, I made a couple tiny steps forward. I signed up for eDiets (finally!) but I feel a little guilty about it spending the money. I also exercised 4 times this week but only for about 15-20 minutes each time. Now, if only I could give up that sweet iced tea we Southerners live to consume . . .

  3. Laura Says:

    Lisa- There’s no “official”. There’s no sign up. So, I suppose by commenting, you are official :-). I’ve wanted an elliptical for a year and a half. Lucky girl. You can do it! I just took Abner for a walk, and I feel great. Best of luck to you!

    Yay! Good job on the exercise, Dani!

  4. Suzy Says:

    Well, I started back to work this week. It’s been five years since I quit to stay home and man has it been hard to get back into the swing of things. I’m determined (or trying to be) to stick with exercising. As slow as the results have been to show up, it has made me feel so much better and I have tons more energy. Before I started back to work I was exercising 2-3 hours a day…obsessive I know, but I did have the time 🙂 Now I try to get 2 miles in on the treadmill before work and 2 miles in when I get home. Makes for a very long day and I’m hoping and praying that I can keep it up. So far the weight loss is 10 lbs since the 1st of the year 🙂

    I do take the weekends off and man have I over indulged this weekend…talking Applebees and birthday cake (my youngest turned 9). Hopefully I haven’t done too much damage!!

  5. Katie Says:

    Well, I did not have a good week. I did exercise twice at the gym, but did not stick to my diet and therefore did not lose any weight. I may have gained a pound, but I’m afraid to look. 🙂 I feel yucky too so I know I haven’t been making healthy choices. I WILL do better next week… after I get back from my mini-excursion up north. Today I went to a birthday party and to a friends house dinner so it was difficult to eat well when people were saying “Have more ice cream!” Excuses, excuses…. Sigh…

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