Sun Mar 13, 2005

Wow! What a weekend!

For knitting progress that is. It’s not like it was a particularly exciting weekend, but it was productive. Let’s see, where to begin…

Well, for starters, I finished Carrie’s doll, (Mary Sunshine’s doll’s twin, for the Valentine’s Day “Feeling the Love” giveaway. So that will be making it’s way out soon, along with the Valentines’s for those of you out of the country. I’m very sorry, but I haven’t got to the Post Office yet).

Secondly, I finished Grandma’s Koigu socks! Yay! And the coolest thing happened. On Friday night, at Knit Night with Miss Finch at the LYS, a local reader who I hadn’t yet met came to let me try Grandma’s sock on her tiny Cinderella foot! Isn’t that cool? We decided that they were about three rows too long, but it wasn’t enough of a problem to warrant frogging. However, it occurred to me on Saturday afternoon, as I was about to kitchener stitch the second one, that I could easily reduce the toe by 2 rows. So I did, and re-opened the first sock to do the same. I’m very happy with them. They are really pretty, and they looked lovely on Allison’s cute little feet, so I’d imagine they’ll look just as nice on Grandma. Thank you Allison! (And what nice feet you have. I don’t blame you at all :-))

What else… I finished the Manos Mitts, and, oh! I’ve started the pretty cabled cardigan from the Holiday issue of Vogue. I’m enjoying the mindless ribbing on the back, and I’m probably about 5 inches along. (Maybe just 4).


Also, I did some really, really cool spinning yesterday. That’s all I’m going to say right now. I literally have nearly a week’s worth of blog material from this weekend, so I’m going to save some of it for tomorrow. I think it’s just ’cause I was on the verge of completing a bunch of things, so it all went pretty quick. Believe it or not, I didn’t spend the entire weekend knitting. It just seems that way. Unfortunately, what we didn’t do was remember to photograph all of the finished knits before sundown each day, so my pictures right now are limited.

My favorite part of the weekend was sitting in the backyard, in the sun, in a beach chair, wearing a straw hat and knitting while Nate cut blackberry bushes and the girls played on the swings. (Poor thing, he spent 7 1/2 hours straight cutting down blackberry brambles. Ugh. I would have helped him, honest, but I can’t imagine fighting blackberries would do good things for my tempermental back situation, and my PT wouldn’t approve).

Finally, for those of you who are looking for spring, I have a gift.


This tree, in front of my neighbor’s house, is one of the many lovely things contributing to the wonderful, sweet smell on the air outside. The hyacinths blooming under my front porch stairs are another. In a very short while, another neighbor’s abundant honeysuckle will bloom and intoxicate as it does every year. Ahh, spring. It’s nice to see you again.

3 Responses to “Wow! What a weekend!”

  1. Carrie Says:

    Wow you got so much accomplished. I can’t wait to see photos. Can’t wait to meet Mary Sunshine’s twin!!

  2. Barbara Rita Says:

    Hi Laura,
    Has Spring arrived at Seattle – I thought everything was snowed under. Spring has definitely arrived in the Algarve (Portugal). The sun was shining on Sunday – we had friends over for a BBQ lunch and went to the park with our friends and their children. Everybody was happy.

    Your photos are lovely as always – I love the cardigan you are going to make althoug I don’t know the magazine (saw the photo). I am sure it’s going to be lovely.

    I read your blog everyday and I admire your positive tone and outlook (am trying to “copy” this attitude).


  3. Katie Says:

    Yay, Spring! Although I think it arrived early this year… I mean come on! Don’t you think it’s a little wierd that we’ve had sushine and no rain or snow in WA for like 3 months? It’s great that it has warmed up a little though… it has been beautiful, but very very cold. Brrrrrrrr.

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