Thu Mar 24, 2005

It’s a knit-along day!

Welllll, how’s it going out there? You all know that I have my pretty yarn now. And there’s an errata posted for Cable-Eight. So other than posting a picture of my swatches….


I don’t have anything new to report. It’s all up to you ladies! And if I happen to link you, you can still speak up in the comments and talk about it. As for my swatches, the one on the left was knit on size 11, and makes stitch gauge, but not row gauge. The one on the right was knit using size 10 1/2, and makes row gauge, but not stitch gauge. I’m going to try it on the 11’s. I like the soft, loose fabric it made, and because I’m planning on wearing this as an over-garment, I think it’ll work out.

Stella has started hers, and is using Vento by Skacel.
I know this is unrelated, but Frances just won $500 from her local radio station. That is so cool.
Diana has started hers in a beautiful color of Cascade Sierra. (The yarn came from Angela, who is starting up an online yarn shop). Unfortunately, she didn’t find out about the errata ’til quite a ways into it. But, it sounds like she’s keeping a stiff upper lip.
Janell has joined the group, no pictures yet, and I think I heard that she’s knitting with the same lovely yarn as Diana.

While we’re speaking of Diana, and keeping in mind that we are all sick around here, so the TV is doing overtime, all I can think about when I see her name is Wonder Woman! Sing with me now….

“All the world is waiting for you,
and the powers you possess,
in your satin tights,
fighting for your rights,
and the old Red, White, and Bluuuuuuuue!!!

Oh yeah, we’re lovin’ it.

11 Responses to “It’s a knit-along day!”

  1. jena Says:

    Am I a doofus if I don’t really understand the errata note? I’ll have to read that again later when I have the project in front of me.

    My front piece is actually finished (perhaps with errors??), but it isn’t much to look at. I plan to post another picture as soon as I get it pinned out for blocking.

  2. Michelle Says:

    Oh, I love the Wonder Woman song! I have not heard that in so long. (Boys cartoons/shows are just not that cool).
    I’m trying to find yarn that I could use for my Cable-8. I love the color of your yarn. Very good choice.

  3. Katie Says:

    Hi everyone!
    I have my yarn for the Cable 8! It’s Lion Brand Cotton (I hope that doesn’t put a wrinkle in anyone’s nose…) in a pretty lavender color. It was only $3.99 for 236 yards, and I had a 20% off coupon so it was a no-brainer. I just hope I have enough of it because they only had 6 skeins. I can hardly wait to get started! Unfortunately, I still haven’t received my issue of Interweave… Is anyone else having that problem?

  4. Katie Says:

    Ok, so I just did something really cheeky… Phil sent me down to Fred Meyer to buy some things for fixing up the house, and lo and behold they had the Cable 8 yarn I’m using (not the same dye lot, but it’s pretty darn close… I did figure out earlier that I would need one more skien.) Anyway, so I was thinking what a bummer it was that I didn’t have the pattern yet when it dawned on me that they have a 10 cent copy machine in the store… Dah, dah, dah, dah! Yes, I suppose it’s kinda illegal in some obscure way… but I HAVE paid for the magazine, it just hasn’t arrived yet. 🙂 Hee, hee, hee… Time to swatch!

  5. Becky Says:

    Of course, the Wonder Woman song *must* be accompanied with turning around and letting hair swing free. That’s the way I do it! 🙂

  6. stephanie Says:

    What a pretty colour for you! (Assuming of course that the monitor is not lying to me).

  7. frances Says:

    And you know what is really awesome? My LYS is one of the places that I can spend my ‘downtown dollars’! So guess where I’m headed today:)

  8. frances Says:

    Also, I haven’t recieved my interweave yet, either! I emailed them twice with no response, so last friday I called and they assured me it would be reshipped.

  9. Barbara Says:

    Glad you’re feeling better enuf to think about swatching and yarn issues! Maybe I’ll have to join the cable 8…hmmmm

  10. Beth Says:

    I LOVE Cotton Fleece!! I used it to make Clapotis and am currently using it on the Kyoto sweater (both from Knitty). It feels great to work with and has a great drape in the finished piece.

  11. Shannon Says:

    Those swatches are gorgeous – what yarn are you using?

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