Sat Mar 26, 2005

Health Group- week 41

The good news is, I lost 4.5 pounds this week! The bad news is that it’s entirely due to dehydration and lack of food. I am so sick, I want to die. I’ve had a fever for three days, every single bit of me hurts…. and this week started out SO well.

Monday, I did PT and 50 minutes of treadmill.
Tuesday and Wednesday I did the same.
Thursday, Friday, and today, I’m just trying to survive.

This week, I had decided to cut out sugar. I’ve been unable to cut sugar and all other refined carbs, so I thought I’d start with sugar. I’ve done really well. I felt better the first part of the week. I am thinking it is something I’m going to continue.

That’s it. I’m beat. Talk amongst yourselves in the comments. I’ve gotta go.

9 Responses to “Health Group- week 41”

  1. Jenny Says:

    It’s a shame that we have to be ill for Easter.
    I sure hope you will feel better soon. I am in my fourth week of dental misery. FOURTH WEEK!! I was on antibiotics for three weeks, and we all know what that can lead to in women……..I spoke to my dentist by phone yesterday, telling him that I still have a lump in my gum, and am spiking fevers. Get this……he told me that he thinks I am merely having hot flashes and not a fever!! Well, I think that will come back to bite him, since I am starting to have pain in my mouth again, after being off antibiotics for three days. It would serve him right if I had to call him on Easter! Anyway, needless to say I have not been exercising during all this. Well, the good news is that my youngest son lost 27 pounds since his last yearly check-up! I was real pleased with that (gee, is THAT contagious??) but the Dr. was not. Well, he said, it’s a start. Hmph!! I hope the Easter Bunny delivers some good health to your house!!

  2. Kirsten Says:

    I hope you feel better soon Laura. Take care, Kirsten

  3. Katie Says:

    Wow, great job on losing some weight, no matter what the conditions. I was hoping all the stress I’ve been under the last week or so would help me lose some too but that’s not really the way it works is it… We’ve been trying to keep the place clean to sell so of course we’ve been eating out more, etc. I’m not looking forward to next week because I have both my annual exam and a dentist appt scheduled – get ’em both over with I say! I really hope and your family feels better soon! You must have gotten something worse than what we recently had because it only lasted a little over 24 hours and it was gone. The good news is we’ve already accepted an offer on our house – the inspection is going on right now (we’re visiting relatives…) Crazy!

  4. Dani Says:

    I lost 3 pounds this week, but I think part of mine is due to illness, too. I haven’t had a stomach virus like poor Laura, but this cold has curbed my appetite quite a bit. I am getting back into the swing of exercising, so that may have helped. Hopefully I can keep up this momentum next week.

  5. Laura Says:

    I don’t have a stomach illness, I think I have the flu.

  6. Tink Says:

    Last I was here, your little was was so sick 🙁 Hope you are all doing better soon. I’m sick to,,,,, can’t even eat!!!!after feeling so well for a whole 3 or 4 weeks. It’s been a strange winter.
    (Maybe they are hiding the sick germs in the carbs, you think?) I really must get some rest but it is so hard with so many neat blogs to visit. I love the new peachy yarn you got, I want some 🙂 Get better soon. Tink

  7. Morgan Says:

    Congrats on the weight loss though I’m sorry you are sick. Get that water down!!!! Its the MOST important. I’m going through a phase right now where my body just isn’t willing to let go of the water that I am drinking. Its rather frustrating. My trainer has me taking next week off of weights but I think I am going to break out my Windsor Pilates that has been gathering dust in my house and do a couple of days of cardio!

  8. Shelley Says:

    Hi Laura, long time lurker here. 🙂
    Definitely cut out the sugar, you will feel so much better on a consistent basis. Stick to natural things (not processed) for your carbs: brown rice, oatmeal, if you need bread buy whole grain, high fiber bread. I hope you feel better soon!

  9. jae Says:

    Have you tried stevia when you have a hankering for sweetness? Think nutrasweet only not as offensive tasting and it won’t cause you to grown a third eye… it’s naturally sourced from stevia plants and you get it at the health food store. I also have recipes free of refined sugar on my blog.

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