Thu Mar 31, 2005

Got shawl?

Weaving Works is having a shawl show, and they’re accepting entries this weekend. I am so there. It’ll be the only expense of energy I’ll manage today, but I’m driving into Seattle to show off my shawl. Maybe they’ll display it in such a way that I can get a good picture to post. (You all haven’t seen my masterpiece yet. I’ve talked about it, but you haven’t seen it). The lame part is that I’ve known about this shawl show for a long time, but have procrastinated the re-blocking and any snag weaving ’til the last minute, and now I’m too sick to do it. Sucks.

I’m still working on the Vogue Cable Cardi sleeves.


I’m about to start the cap shaping.

Now for the Knit-along…

Who’s got something? Are we all disillusioned with Cable-Eight already? I’ll get to mine, but I’m having SO much fun with the VCC, I just can’t start it yet.

11 Responses to “Got shawl?”

  1. emy Says:

    Hope you feel better.

  2. Katie Says:

    Does that mean no knitting club tonight? Bummer… I just sent one of these with some HTML to link my picture of the finished front of my Cable 8, but it didn’t work so I guess I’ll just try the site:
    Can you see it? It’s a thing of rare beauty, if I do say so meself. 🙂 (Read that in a Scottish accent.) I’m a little worried about the crochet part that comes later because I know nada about it, but perhaps I can get some pointers from you or Gayle when I get to that point. Again, I hope you feel better soon!

  3. Rebekah Says:

    I can’t wait to see the shawl! I haven’t become disillusioned with the Cable-8..I was just having a hard time finding yarn. But I have it at last! I just bought some beautiful Rowan All Seasons Cotton in an off-white color called Tapestry. It appears to be a lighter version of your VCC color. It’s on it’s way to me in the mail and I should have it by the beginning of next week. Woot!

  4. Rebekah Says:

    Oops…wanted to add that your’s is gorgeous, Katie!

  5. Katie Says:

    Thank you… The Rowan sounds wonderful! I love the Rowan Kid Classic yarn I have stashed away to make a hoodie sometime in the future…

  6. Kathy Says:

    I’ve started my cable 8 in 2nd Time Cotton, Nantucket. The color is a yellow/tan/light blue variegated and it is so beautiful. I purchased it at a recent trip to Woodland Woolworks in Carlton, OR. What a place! They have a great website/catalog business, but the personal touch from the owner was awesome. This is my first foray into cables and I’m loving it. I was hoping to send a pic-maybe next week. The sad part is that I think it will be too small for me, luckily I have a 14 yr. old daughter who appreciates her mom’s knitting and will look adorable in it. *sigh*

  7. meg Says:

    I got nuthin’ yet. NUTHIN’. But I WILL do it. Yes, indeedy.

  8. Diana Says:

    I am about to crochet the sides together. I LOVE how the Cascade Sierra feels, we’ll see how it looks on me – VERY soon.

  9. frances Says:

    I have zippo to show. In fact, my interweave hasn’t even arrived yet!

  10. Jenifer Says:

    Hi there! I just bought yarn for the cable eight top and haven’t blogged about it yet, but I was planning on making this sometime this spring when I saw your knitalong listed on the 2005 list … so, sign me up! I might start later this week … I’m using bernat cottontots in ecru.

  11. Stella Says:

    My Cable 8 is finished! I just posted about her today!

    Love that feather and fan shawl you posted about today! it is breathtaking!

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