Sat Apr 2, 2005

Health Group- week 42

I haven’t weighed today, but I’ve been maintaining my 5-6 pounds of weight loss from last week. It’s still related to being sick. I haven’t exercised. I haven’t eaten, much less eaten well. I’m averaging a meal a day, and it’s a fast and easy meal at that, so nothing fabulous. I do have more energy today, so aside from feeling like someone has a death grip on my chest and is squeezing at random, I’m doing better.

How are you?

4 Responses to “Health Group- week 42”

  1. Dani Says:

    I’m holding steady this week, despite little exercise and poor food choices. After my morose “Why bother?” post today on my blog, I started thinking about many of the obese women I know and how I don’t want to waddle when I walk, breathe heavily just from getting out of my chair, etc. The thought spurred me on. I know that it is awful for me to find inspiration from others’ difficulties, but I am being honest. I’m tired of looking like it hurts me to move from point A to point B.

  2. Katie Says:

    I agree. My ankles have been giving me trouble lately and I’m positive it’s because I’ve been overweight for so long… Well, I haven’t lost any weight this entire month which is pretty pathetic considering how much I exercised. But, I did lose a couple of inches which does make me feel better. I haven’t been good about writing down what I eat (counting points) this month so I tend to slip in a mocha here and a bowl of ice cream there without regard to what else I’ve been having that particular day… bad, bad, bad. I’m planning to make April a better month by printing out my recording sheet right now. 🙂

  3. Elspeth Says:

    I am so excited! I actually lost 0.6 lb., which puts me at my lowest weight since before I had my baby. It’s not much, but considering I had two birthdays (and a huge cake) and a large Easter brunch in the past week, I can’t believe I actually lost weight! I know it is because I finally joined the gym, and so far I really love going.

    I hope everyone else hangs in there, it will be your time to lose soon enough!

  4. hayden Says:

    Happy Birthday Abby! I hope you’re having a good one. And I do hope your mom starts to feel real better, real soon (yeah, how’s that for good English?) Oh, ask her to tell us how long the shawl will be up at WW so we can stop in and see it, will you? Thanks doll!!!

    Anyways, again, happy birthday!

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