Tue Aug 17, 2010

Man, the time flies!

Summer is almost over. I can’t believe it! There are so many things I’d thought we’d do this summer! And we didn’t. Of course, having an infant really cuts down on the “get up and go” types of things we can do. But still.

It’s ridiculously hot here right now. It has been for a few days. Everyone’s sweaty and a little short tempered.

Max has cut his first tooth. It’s not in all the way, it’s still just “cut,” but it’s there.

I’m still playing and writing music with my minimal free time. Trying to record. It’s nearly impossible to get away to my brother’s house sans kids to record. But we try.

I found out over the weekend that one of my sisters-in-law has a brother that works at a custom guitar shop that’s an hour or so south of us. It’s pretty cool. I’d never heard of them before, but spent some time yesterday poking around the website and learning about a bunch of crazy things you can do to an electric guitar. They have this split Jazzmaster that looks totally fun.

I tried a few weeks ago to spin more yarn for that shawl I was working on, and it’s just too blasted hot, so that’s on hold.

I’m going to order some wool this week so we can sample dye and test braid for my m-i-l’s rug we’re planning to make starting in the fall when Clark is in preschool. (Clark in preschool? How can he possibly be old enough for that already)?

I think that’s about it. Perhaps when the kids are back in school, I’ll be a little more interesting on the blog again.

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