Thu Aug 19, 2010

Hey, guess what?

Max just slept through the night for the first time in his life of nearly 11 months. Which means, I just slept through the night for the first time in nearly 11 months!

I’m so happy!

5 Responses to “Hey, guess what?”

  1. Katie Jo Says:

    Now that is definitely something to be very happy about! Here’s hoping he keeps it up.

  2. picadrienne Says:

    Oh, that first sleep through the night, what a wonderful feeling. For me, it was better with children 2 and 3. Child one there was the scary panic, of sleeping through her waking in the night. I hope he keeps it up!

  3. Anonymous Says:


  4. Jan Says:

    Yay! My youngest is 22 and I still remember the first night he slept all night. I felt like I had been asleep for weeks. I wanted to dance around the house (after he nursed, of course)!

    Max is growing up. Each child seems to do it faster than their older siblings. Next thing you know you’ll be announcing his choice of college!


  5. susan Says:

    Oh, I am so, so envious. Yay, Max!! We’re still hovering around 3 hours for the maximum stretch here….

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