Thu Sep 2, 2010

It’s going to be a looong 3 weeks.

The girls started school yesterday. Clark doesn’t start preschool for 3 weeks. I have to tell him about 30 times a day, that no, we’re not leaving for his school yet. It doesn’t start for 3 weeks.

He doesn’t seem to get it.

Or if he does, he’s just hoping that if he continues to ask, the answer will change.

I’ve made a bit of a happy discovery. My mom recommended this brand of stevia powder (they make a pure version that is much more concentrated if you have issues with maltodextrin) and I just tried it. It’s really good. The stevia I used years ago had a strong aftertaste, and this doesn’t. And it’s cheap.

I just used it for the first time, in a glass of milk with unflavored protein isolate powder and vanilla, and mixed it up with my new little toy (which I bought at Costco yesterday for $30).

Very, very good. No funny aftertaste, very sweet, no calories, and it isn’t artificial! I’m so excited. When we went to Oregon last month, my mom’s boyfriend was growing stevia in his garden. We plucked a leaf and chewed on it. It tasted just like the stevia extracts you get in the store, so they can’t be messing with it too much in processing.

So now I can make my protein shakes without sugary syrups, which is what I’ve been doing because artificial sweeteners are scary.

3 Responses to “It’s going to be a looong 3 weeks.”

  1. Diana Says:

    I’ve been wondering about artificial sweeteners. I LOVE my Diet Coke. I just haven’t seen any info on what is actually bad about the artificial sweeteners. Do you have info?

  2. Janell Says:

    Hi Laura- So I wanted to share a recipe with you that I learned from one of my co-workers. She has always worked out and been in good shape, but has recently taken it to the next level and entered Natural Woman Fitness Competions and stuff. She LOOKS amazing now. She’s at like 10% body fat is dropped from a size 6 to a 00. (I know, I know) Anyway, she said to mix wheat bran with water, cinnaman and stevia along with flax seeds (unground.) You are making a porridge, oatmeal type meal. The wheat bran and flax seeds are SUPER HIGH fiber and the meal then becomes a ZERO calorie filler. You get really full, so you don’t get hungry but it’s like Weight Watchers and their zero points food. I have everything but the wheat bran, but figured you’d have all these ingrediants. I’m going to try it as soon as I get to the store.

    Hope all is well!

  3. Connie Says:

    When we were little and didn’t understand” how many days until Christmas,” we used to have a paper chain with one link for each day. Before bed each evening, we removed one link. Perhaps a similar chain counting down until his first day of school for Clark would help.

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