Mon Aug 30, 2010

Just to clear things up…

Max’s sleeping through the night was a one time thing. I’ve talked to a number of people now who thought that because he slept through once, we were in the clear.

Nuh-uh. Last week was miserable.

So, things are busy around here. The kids go back to school on Wednesday. Abby’s freaking out about junior high. We did some clothes shopping on Saturday, but haven’t picked up school supplies yet. I have a bunch or errands to run today.

I don’t know why I can’t think of anything interesting to say. It didn’t used to be so difficult. But with all the kids home all day every day, there’s really not much time to do anything interesting. I’m always attending to someone, or multiple someones at any given time. And I’m tired as heck.

Except, I’ve been trying really hard to exercise when I put Max down for a nap in the late morning. I’ve been at it most of the month. 45 minutes on the elliptical everyday, and weight lifting every other day. It feels good. And at some point, I’m going to shed some pounds, right?

In other news, Pretzel went bye-bye. I had to keep nagging Abby to feed him, which I’m not ok with. I didn’t even like the dumb bird, so I certainly didn’t want to be responsible for it. But it bothered Abby when every time she’d put her hand in the cage to feed him, he’d freak out so bad he’d bash into the walls of the cage and screech like she was trying to kill him. He never calmed down the tiniest little bit. The pet store very graciously took him back and gave us a refund. But not without lecturing me on unrealistic expectations.


I’ve had birds. This one was a freak.

She still wants a bird. So, we’re going to spend some time researching and finding the right bird for Abby. And since it’ll most likely be more expensive than a lovebird, we’re starting a fund.

One Response to “Just to clear things up…”

  1. Jean Says:

    I think your post are interesting!! You are a very busy person.
    Hey on the bird topic how about buying a budgie, or a cockateal? Excuse my spelling.

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