Sun Jun 26, 2005

I’m in love


Do you know what that is? That is me and the new object of my desire.

Woodland Woolworks had a booth at the Black Sheep Gathering FULL of beautiful spinning wheels. They were kind enough to let me linger for a considerable amount of time, and the cute old man even took my picture for you all. So I started out spinning on a 24 inch Schacht-Reeves Saxony Wheel. I hated it, which surprised me immensely. Next, I tried out the previous object of my desire, the Kromski Symphony. (Our relationship up to this point had been strictly Internet based). It was certainly better than the Schacht-Reeves, but I was by no means wowed. Then, ahhhh, I got to spin on the Lendrum Saxony. I will never be the same. I don’t know WHAT it is about that man and his Canadian wheels, but they sing the siren’s song. They are so smooth, they are so….. delicious. I need one. Don’t ask me how, as I’m still trying to save up for his single treadle foldable wheel, but I need one.

While we’re dreaming, I’ve also decided that I want a loom. I’d never thought about weaving, but I suppose it was just a matter of time. I don’t know the first thing about weaving, looms, or their crazy terms and tools. So tomorrow I’m going to go to the LYS to get a book.

What else did I do besides harass the Woodland Woolworks man? Well, I looked at bunnies…


(He’s very relaxed)

And I oogled the angora goats.


The only reason I am not a livestock owner right now is because Nate forbade me before I left. He gave me spending money with the contingent that I not bring home anything alive. Too bad he knows me so well.

I’ve also decided that Romneys are by far the cutest sheep. Their faces are simply irresistible. Every time I walked by one being clipped, it turned it’s head to greet me like a friendly dog. Too cute. They have such intelligent eyes.

Another thing I learned is that sheep are DANG noisy. It took me awhile to relax in the sheep barn initially, because they sound like my whining children, but magnified. Like, seriously magnified. I had to do some breathing and relaxation exercises to get over it. Then, all was well.

Nate chastised me for not taking more pictures when I started telling him about the cute and funky woman that did the silk spinning demonstration. Here’s a link to her shop. She had the most amazing spinning wheel. It was an Ashford Kiwi (not my favorite), but it was painted up so cool, I almost wanted one myself.

Then there was the booth with the MOUNTAINS of brilliantly dyed mohair locks.

No pictures. I suck. Sorry.

I had an incredible time. I didn’t get hardly any knitting done, which amazed me considering I was there for almost two days. There was so much to see. So many questions to ask. So many animals to contemplate sneaking home… Who had time for knitting?

Not me.

No Responses to “I’m in love”

  1. Barbara Says:

    Interesting post. I have never gone to one of these Fairs – none our way. Must be wonderful

  2. Barbara Says:

    p.s. Did you buy anything?

  3. Mary Says:

    Show us what you bought! I’ve got to get to one of these fairs….

  4. Jenny Says:

    Is that Sunbonnet Sue in the first photo,haha?
    I laughed when I read that Nate forbade you to come home with something alive! Good thing I don’t have the urge, since my husband does not even like my cat. My e-pal does say that her noisy sheep get on her husband’s nerves. Yesterday we did a little driving, and I decided to take along my knitting. I usually don’t because I get distracted. I surprised myself by getting alot done. I was annoyed by my husband who asked “Can’t you get any money with your knitting?” Funny, I don’t know that he “gets any money” from his model train hobby…… I think I would have had a very hard time resisting those bunnies!

  5. Laura Says:

    I didn’t buy anything! Amazing as that may sound, I decided that since all I wanted to buy were rovings and fleece, what I NEEDED to do was save my $$$ for a spinning wheel. So I did. That didn’t dampen my fun at all. I had a GREAT time!

  6. Katie Says:

    Gosh that sounds like a lot of fun! That bunny was sooooo cute! It’s funny, I think spinning wheels look really cool, but I haven’t the slightest interest in spinning my own yarn. I wouldn’t want any animals either because of the noise and the smell. I am interested in weaving though. It looks somewhat complicated, but that hasn’t stopped me before… We have a family friend in England who is a weaving artist (I’m not sure what the official term is for that.) She has done some incredible work – they almost look like paintings!

  7. FYRKRKR Says:

    **SIGH** Of all the things I miss from Grammie’s house, it is her LOOM! That thing was soooooo cool !!!! I really would love to have one; it was so much fun and she did amazing things with it. I just passed the big wooden bobbin shuttle things back and forth when she told me to (I was just a kid) and then did something that went “cha-chank” and moved the yarns. If I had paid more attention when I got older, perhaps I could have scored it, but it is long gone now.

    That bunny is just the right size. How sweet! You know, that sheep on the right looks a bit like a poodle that hasn’t had it’s hair cut finished yet.

    I think little old men at those kind of shows are just natural charmers. I am glad you had such a fabulous time!!!

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