Thu Aug 4, 2005

Guess who I met?

As if there’s any question. My apologies to those of you who are blog readers. Particularly those of you who are blog readers that don’t happen to live in a city lucky enough to be on Stephanie’s book tour.


I met her. I have pictures. And they’re going to look an awful lot like all the other giddy blogger’s pictures that have been posted over the past few months.

Oh well. My blog. My fun.


That’s right. Front row, baby. I braved arriving 20 minutes early, with three young, uninterested children (bribed with the promise of popcicles), and we got to sit in the front row! It was a nice, intimate gathering. There weren’t a ton of people there. I think most everyone was holding out for the Weaving Works bash later in the evening. (I have a sad, sad tale about that. I went, parked, got a phone call, and had to leave before even getting out of my car. Fortunately, I hadn’t paid the meter yet. But still, it’s a dangit).


She’s very good. I was about halfway back in line, and I watched her get out of her chair, smile, and pose for about a dozen pictures, and she looked sincerely happy each time. What a trooper. She’s literally smiled for hundreds of pictures with hundreds of knitters over the past four months, and is still gracious.

Anyway, Steph is lovely and funny, of course. But you all knew that. She recognized me before I had a chance to introduce myself. That was the highlight of my day. She said she was all “blog excited”, and she’s the one on tour! Figure that? But I was flattered. I gave her stitch markers and told her that if she’d already been given 500 stitch markers, she can add them to the pot of gifts for Knitters Without Borders.

Now that you’re all either annoyed and jealous, or confused, we’ll move on to Cable-Eights. What’ve you got? I am DONE with both the front and back! I have crocheted the edging on three of the four selvedges, and my dear friend Gayle suggested slip-stitching them together as opposed to single crochet. I’ll try that first before giving Diana’s method a try (see sidebar. I took her advice though and only crocheted into every other selvedge stitch as opposed to every stitch). I don’t have any pictures, but I’m sure you can tell that I’ve been very busy the past week, and having loads of fun. That would be why.

That reminds me, our laptop died, and I’m going to the cabin for a week or so, so I think I may actually miss blogging for that period of time. Will you miss me? :-). I don’t know exactly when I’m leaving yet, or exactly how many days I’ll be gone. Stay tuned.

And finally, I am beyond giddy about this morning. In a few hours, I head off to look at a spinning wheel that may or may not be coming home with me. I certainly hope it is. I’ve waited SO long, but I will not buy it unless I enjoy spinning on it, and that will be determined in a few hours. Wish me luck. I have about 4 pounds of dyed rovings crammed between my couch and the end table that are very restless.

You’ll find out Monday. See you tomorrow at Health Group!

No Responses to “Guess who I met?”

  1. Diane Says:

    OK, I’m jealous! Why, of why, is the Chicago market not on Stephanie’s tour?

    And how can she still be gracious after all this time? It’s one of the reasons that I’m glad that she’s the one having all this fun – because she can still be gracious at this point!

    I loved that photo of your shawl at the beach. You were lovely in it!

    Did you ever find a copy of the Stahman’s Shawl book? Last I knew (and this was RECENTLY – really, really RECENTLY), it was still available at Schoolhouse Press.

    This was most economical knitting book purchase. I have knitted SO many of the shawls and scarves that it was well worth the purchase price.

  2. Jenny Says:

    Oh yeah, you’re giddy! You are positively absolutely BEAMING in that photo of you with Stephanie, ha!! Lot of Luck and good wishes that you come home with the spinning wheel!
    Oh yes, we will miss you! You are very high on my “must-read ” list every day!! You are very lucky with all the trips you’ve been taking. Sigh. No summer fun to be had here……Oh yeah, I mean other than knitting…….

  3. Gina Says:

    I cannot wait to see the Cable 8.

  4. Leslie A. Dotson Says:

    Good luck with the spinning wheel. And have fun “up at the cabin”. It sounds wonderful!

  5. FYRKRKR Says:

    I am so happy that it worked out well for you at Third Place! You look radiant in that photo!

  6. FYRKRKR Says:

    AND OF COURSE I’m going to miss you! Silly! Might as well bother not turning on this darned computer!!!

  7. Katie Says:

    Yes, I’m sure a lot of us will miss you! Have fun though – the weather is perfect! How was the spinning wheel? I went to the Snohomish Fiber Guild last night and it was so fun! I was both annoyed and jealous after I realized how “in the dark” I was about the book tour. It’s my own darn fault though as I severely limit myself when it comes to reading blogs and just didn’t have any idea. When you said Yarn Harlot would be in town, I thought you meant like visiting relatives or something and you had arranged to meet up with her somewhere… If I had known she was going to be at Third Place Books promoting her own book (how cool is that?!!!) I would have dragged my own kids down there as well. Oh well, hopefully there will be a next time. 🙂 Someone at the Fiber Guild last night (she went to TPB too) told me I should join the email group for Purly Girls because they do lots of notifications for things like that…

  8. Heather Says:

    I am SO jealous! I wish she were coming out to Arizona, but not this time. Hopefully some day we get to meet her. I’m glad you had such a great time!

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