Sat Aug 6, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 9

Hey everyone! We’ve been gone ALL day, but are back now. Nate BBQ’d, and we’re about to eat, so I’ll make this quick.

My back is feeling better. Thank goodness.

Monday we were at the ocean, and there was no time whatsoever for exercise BUT, I ate really well. We packed healthy food.
Tuesday was spent recovering from the ocean. I was wiped.
Wednesday I did upper and lower body weights, and physical therapy exercises.
Thursday was Yarn Harlot day, and I didn’t get anything done.
Friday I went to look at a spinning wheel (you’ll hear about that on Monday), and spend the rest of the day watching 10 kids at my friend’s house so she and her visiting sisters could go out.
Today we were gone the whole day doing major Back to School shopping. We scored. It was good.

So, this week wasn’t as productive as I’d hoped in the exercise arena. I seem to lack balance. I either spend my whole life trying to keep up with the house and my health, or I throw it all out the window and play with my kids. Hmmmmm, gotta figure this one out.

I have made a decision though. I am finally coming to grips with the fact that, at least right now, doing 50 minutes of treadmill a day, as well as 30 minutes of weights and however long physical therapy takes, every single day, is impractical. I cannot do it. I try, and fail, and feel like a loser. SO, I’m changing my approach. I’m going to try to do something for my body every day. I will alternate treadmill (aerobic) and full body weights. Treadmill one day, weights the next. That’s my goal. And I’m going to try to do it early in the morning before the kids are awake, so I don’t get distracted.

That’s my new goal. And I need to eat more vegetables. And I need to drink more water again. As usual, I’m optimistic.

How was YOUR week? I know Gayle has a few things to say! I wanna hear it!

8 Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 9”

  1. Elspeth Says:

    I’m glad to hear your back is better! When I had my major back problems a couple of years ago I was convinced I would never get back to normal, and I am much better.

    I am afraid to weigh myself after a bad eating day, but I have gone to the gym for 3 days in a row and I had salad twice today so I think that’s a good week for me!

  2. Dani Says:

    The only good thing I’ve done as far as eating this week is “eat when I’m hungry, STOP when I’m full”. I’ve been considering Weight Watchers, but I’m wavering. I flip-flop between wanting to lose weight and wanting to spend that WW fee on clothes that will make me look good at my current size.

    I have been exercising, though. It’s only on the weekdays and it is only 20-30 minutes per day, but I’ve stuck with it for two weeks even while my exercise buddy was on vacation. My husband has finally started exercising again, which makes me very happy because he already has some weight-related health problems.

    Laura, I know what you mean about the balancing act. Whenever I am focusing on one area, I have a voice telling that I am awful for neglecting the other area.

    Was this Tax-Free Weekend in your area, too? It was here, and we fought the crowds along with everyone else. I hated it, but I am glad that the kids will be prepared on the first day for once.

  3. Christall Says:

    I too struggle with balance. I often beat myself up because I only have one child and I think it *should* be so easy with only one… now juggling 2 or 3 or more children, now *that* should be a test in time management, but one should be a piece of cake – but no, really I just want to spend all of my time playing with her! I did join WW and have committed to going to meetings 100% even if I have to take her to weigh-ins and not stay (not a kid friendly meeting site) and in 2 months I’ve lost 19 lbs (206 at my last dr. appt) August is a particularly difficult month for me because of the volunteer positions I have, it seems as if they all converge at one time so this month it feels like my life is one big state of confusion so exercise has kind of been thrown out the window and I fear part of the weight loss is stress related. I think if I could just strap the kid in the jog stroller (she’s 4 and hates that – but I have to do what I have to do) I could get rid of some stress and get in some good exercise at the same time.
    I am going WAY out of my comfort zone starting next month – the ballet studio where my daughter takes ballet is having an adult ballet class (thankfully we live in a VERY small town) and I am joining the class… it will be VERY good exercise – so at least one day a week I will get a super awesome 1 hour FULL body workout and I hope that it will help.

  4. Katie Says:

    I actually got in 3 days of exercise this week! It’s great because I’ve got my neighbor girl to watch my kids while I go to Curves 2 days a week, and then I just need to get off my behind and go before they close at noon on Saturday to get in those 3 days. I think this is manageable. Now I was thinking I should be doing something like walking on the other days – but let’s face it, it is way too hot to be taking workout-style walks out there, but that shouldn’t be a problem too much longer. Well, that’s it. I’ve been eating healthy but I’ve been totally slacking when it comes to counting points. Anyway, I didn’t lose any weight this week but I’m not discouraged.

  5. Laura Says:

    Good job everyone! Sounds like a productive week for a lot of people.

  6. Jenny Says:

    I am late, as usual! Weekends often mean that the 3 children who don’t live at home any longer are home to visit, haha!
    No progress this week, still at 31 pounds lost. This is fine, as there was some off-the-diet eating this week.When my cousin and I went into town on Monday, we ate out both lunch and dinner. I was very restrained, however, for instance, the soup I ordered was way richer than I thought it would be. Two days later the scale shot up 5 pounds! But it is back down to where it was.I did get in walking at least five days this week, which is an improvement.
    I also have trouble balancing what I want to do, and what I have to do. Every day goes by too quickly!
    Still, no one notices my weight loss. I told a neighbor up the street that I had lost over 30 pounds, and he stood there looking at me this way and that, and I could see that he couldn’t tell!!!Such is life…….

  7. rachael Says:

    Hi Laura,

    I’ve been enjoying your blog for a while now (health group and knitting). I agree that 80 minutes per day of excercise is not practical – also, why not count playing w/ your girls as part of the excercise?

    The most excercise i’ve been able to get in (and I don’t have kids) is 30-45 min 3-5 times per week. I try to make up in intensity what I’m losing in time (I’m now able to do in 35 minutes what used to take me 45+).

    To respond to Jenny’s comment above – no one who wasn’t a close friend or knew I was on a diet started noticing my weight loss until i had lost 45 lbs. (and several people who I see on a daily basis just think I’ve changed my hairstyle!) Then at around 45 lbs – nearly everyone I regularly come in contact with started noticing! I think that weight loss isn’t very obvious to others until you start wearing new clothes! And I think it might be the new clothes that people notice!

    Continued good luck to all!


  8. FYRKRKR Says:

    Balance? Balance? I’m not the only one? Oh, thank heavens! I’ve been going INSANE!!!! I don’t know how I ever had a job, or how I am supposed to fit one back into my schedule! This is nuts!!!

    I think you’re really onto something Laura, by alternating; it will be good for your body, to give it some rest in between workout days.

    I had quite a shopping adventure in my spare bedroom! I found 3 new pairs of jeans that now fit, 2 pairs of shorts and a pair of silk pajamas that I totally forgot I had tucked in a drawer. It was very exciting! I can’t wait to do some more. It was especially comical when Art, who hasn’t noticed my weight loss, finally came upstairs and asked, “What are you doing in here?” Most likely because I was letting out a good “Whoooohooo!” everytime something new & smaller did fit. So I composed myself and just said, “Nothing, Dear!” The look he gave me was priceless, but he still remains clueless.

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