Mon Aug 22, 2005

If you missed it…

Check out yesterday’s post. It was posted late, so you may have missed the picture of Cable-Eight! A big thanks to the rest of you who offered condolences (about the vest comments), and for the compliments.

As for another knit-along… Apparently, thanks to the ever-wise and resourceful Jessica, I now know that there’s already an “I Do” knitalong. So if you want to knit I Do in the comfort of an official knitalong, here’s the link. I’m probably just going to knit mine solo. If you want to knit one too and tell me about it, feel free. And I’m still going to knit the Bowling Bag from S&B Nation eventually.

I guess what I’m saying is that I’ve got no new knitalong. Yet.

I went to a fab dyeing party yesterday. Kim, who I am just getting to know, and who is incredibly cool, and who helped me on my journey to a spinning wheel, and did I mention she’s really cool? She hosted a backyard fiber dyeing bash and potluck. I didn’t bring anything to dye, but I REALLY wanted to watch everyone else do it. It was very interesting, and left me with the feeling that it is something I think I could actually do. I don’t feel quite so overwhelmed anymore. Plus, she made my day by telling me that Romney wool is great stuff. This pleases me because they are the CUTEST STINKING SHEEP I’VE EVER SEEN!!! and I have liked the Romney fleece that I’ve felt at the fiber festivals. Plus, I have found Romney breeders to be extremely friendly. But when I went home and did some reading, all the info I could find said that they have coarse wool, suitable for rugs and outer garments. The Romney breeders I stalked at the Black Sheep Gathering didn’t feel that way, but they’re way biased. And they should be.

An aside- Fiber festivals are so cool. I want to know about fiber animals, and breeders LUV to talk about their animals. I learned so much. But as I inferred above, I can’t take everything they say at face value, simply because as an animal lover myself, I am well aware that the blinders go on when you love. And these people love. They have to. The industry is neither easy nor lucrative.

I haven’t knit anything else. I’ve done some spinning and was very excited about it until I realized that it’s STILL TOO THICK FOR SOCKS! Dangit. But I think I’m going to try anyway.

5 Responses to “If you missed it…”

  1. Jenn Says:

    I would love to make the I Do, not now of course, so many project already started. But I don’t think I would like it just going over my shoulders like that. It looks like, if I could figure out how to do it, it would be a pretty sweater that maybe buttons up or doesnt have any way to close the front.

    Those little sheep are so cute, you are right!

  2. LeAnne Says:

    That looks great on you! Nice job!

  3. Karen in Toronto Says:

    I did recognize the 8 figure ;o)
    you’re good at yoga posture !

    Your look wonferful in your Cable-8.

    good job !

  4. FYRKRKR Says:

    Romneys are cute. I shall have to ask Kirk if he had any on his farm and what he know of them for you.

  5. Katie Says:

    OMG – those are very cute sheep! Too bad I didn’t get any land out here…. By the way, I watched that spinning video. Very interesting! 🙂

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