Tue Aug 30, 2005

Getting ready for school

Although it is admittedly the last day before school starts, I am proud to say that we went to buy our school supplies EARLY in the day as opposed to a half hour before the store closes. And that’s where we were all morning.

Then we came back and two of my sweet friends came over and did my dishes, mopped my kitchen, washed my appliances, vacuumed the front half of my house, and labeled and organized all the newly purchased school stuff for the girls so they’re all set for tomorrow. It was SO nice!

I am still sick. Yesterday I passed the time by looking through some of my knitting books. I’m dreaming of knitting fair isle gloves again.

And that’s all I have today. My stomach really hurts. I want to find out more about these nausea bracelets I’ve been hearing about, which means I’m probably going to have to find a baby and birthing type store.

8 Responses to “Getting ready for school”

  1. Jessica Says:

    Do you mean the sea-sickness bands? You can get them at any drug store.

  2. meg Says:

    If the bracelots are the same ones used for motion sickness you should be able to find them at any pharmacy – usually shelved with the dramamine and bonine pills. Having never been pregnant, I can only say that the bracelots have helped me with air travel!

    Enjoy your soon-to-be quiet!

  3. Diana Says:

    I use Bonnene for sea sickness and I feel no side-effects. Good luck! You are lucky to have wonderful friends like that 🙂

  4. jody Says:

    Having never been pregnant I can’t give much advice. But I did just want to say I wish you comfort — soon.

    And what great friends you have to come over and do all that for you! I’m sure it feels good to walk around the house and see all the work they did.

  5. larissa Says:

    I got mine at biobands.com, and they were actually nice enough to wear every day. I have no experience with the normal ones you can buy for seasickness. But I will say the one I got worked! It was amazing. I wondered why I waited so long.

  6. chris Says:

    Seabands are available at any Walmart for about 12 bucks.

  7. Jenn Says:

    Hope you start feeling better soon. Someone told me those bands work. A friend of hers wore one through her whole pregnancy and didn’t get sick. That was so sweet of your friends! YOu are a lucky woman!

  8. Laurin Says:

    Hi Laura – Congrats! You can find those bracelets at any drugstore. I have them for car trips because I get so nauseous. They are called “sea bands” and they cost roughly around 10$ CDN.

    Hope this helps!

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