Wed Aug 31, 2005

Off to school they go


I think I’m feeling a little better. I’m able to drink water again. I can eat. I’m still extremely and unpleasantly scent sensitive, and my stomach hurts, but I feel more capable of handling life at the moment. I even baked bread and gingerbread cookies last night!

Thanks to those of you who told me where to get those nausea bracelets. I picked up a pair last night, and I will use them today.

I still can’t knit much. And spinning is out of the question. Hopefully soon.

10 Responses to “Off to school they go”

  1. Katie Says:

    Hope the bracelets work for you – Glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better! The girls look so cute heading off to school – I still get a tingle down my back when I see all the school supplies appear in the stores. I know I’m crazy, but I sort of miss all that… getting my notebook all ready with the tabs and pencil pouch, placing everything in my brand new backpack that didn’t have a zipper that got stuck yet… maybe that’s why I became a teacher! I wanted to keep buying school supplies!

  2. Maggie Says:

    Cute! They start before Labour Day where you are? Mine doesn’t start school until the 6th.

  3. Kathode Ray Tube Says:

    Oh, those girls are so cute! Glad you are feeling a bit better…hope the nausea subsides.

  4. Liz Says:

    Such cuties. 🙂 I hope you feel much better soonly!

  5. Nathania Says:

    Oh, they are too cute. Glad you’re feeling a bit better.

  6. Jena Says:

    Aww, they look so excited for school!

    Hey, I saw this book review from Knitter’s Review and thought of you. Looks like the next generation of those best friend dolls that you love:

  7. Nik Says:

    too cute! you’ve got your own little hippies giving the peace sign 🙂

  8. hayden Says:

    They look so cute, all matching and everything. Oh, I remember my first day of school pictures. Sigh.
    Did they have a good day? And you and Veronica; what did you go?

  9. Dani Says:

    Katie, you aren’t alone. I love brand-new notebooks and nice sharp pencils. I also like writing in a fresh workbook. Now I have to settle for crossword puzzle books :-).

    Laura, the girls look like miniature hipsters with their messenger bags. I haven’t seen those in kids’ sizes around here; I’ll have to look around. They look better than the backpacks.

  10. Laura Says:

    They are actually adult sized messenger bags that happen to work when the strap is doubled all the way. We got them at Old Navy at the beginning of August. And you’re right, they are WAY cute! For some reason, the girls were set on having bookbags instead of backpacks this year.

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