Thu Sep 15, 2005

My bedroom’s clean!

Like, really clean! Vacuumed and everything. If I could wash my curtains and quilt, it’d be right near perfect! And it feels so good.

I didn’t do much knitting yesterday. I’m still almost halfway done with the second sleeve, so Hayden can TOTALLY chill out :-).

I’m sicker again. Nate bought me some vitamin B/whatever-it-is that is supposed to help with nausea. I took one, lost the bottle, and then totally forgot about it until this morning, so I’m going to go couch diving today to try and find it.

I have found that Junior Mints help, and now I’m out of them, so I need more. I’ve also found that sitting in a nice, CLEAN BEDROOM helps. So maybe I’ll do more of that, too.

9 Responses to “My bedroom’s clean!”

  1. Katie Says:

    Mmmmm, Junior Mints. Do you freeze them or just eat them at room temp? I’m cleaning house today as well. Nathan helped me pick up all the toys and now I have the dreaded task of mopping and vacuuming the floors… But first, I think I’ll have some lunch.

  2. Pinkpurlgrrl Says:

    Maybe that is why I’ve been so cranky lately, I need fresh sheets…one’s that aren’t covered in doggy fur.

  3. Laura Says:

    I usually eat them straight. But frozen is great, too. I love them in a warm bowl of pan popped popcorn.

  4. Joanna Says:

    Isn’t it great to have a clean room? Just did mine 2 days ago. Haven’t wanted to touch a thing–don’t want to mess it back up. Hey, have you tried those ginger altoids? I had a ton of those when I was preggo. Seemed to help a lot.

  5. Michelle Says:

    Did you and your doctor come up with a due date? Or did he agree with you?

  6. Laura Says:

    Oh! I forgot to say. My due date is still April 5th. We will re-evaluate after my second ultrasound at 20 weeks. He explained things much differently than the nurse did. (She was wrong). So we’re only one week (not three), off of what I think it should be. So in my mind, my due date is April 12th, but whatever. One week is not that big of a deal at this point. I’m sure it will make ALL the difference in April :-).

  7. hayden Says:

    Yay, you have the estimated due date! when do you find out the sex again?

    And am I supposed to be happy that you were so ill you couldn’t knit more on the HP sweater, thus causing me to become a paler shade of green (no pun intended)? Because I’m still insanely jealous of your quick knitting.

    Oooh, have you tried Mike & Ike red hot’s in pan popped popcorn? (ha, say that three times fast!) So good. So very, very good. A little oil, a little salt, and those red hot candies…perfect Friday night dinner!

  8. Dani Says:

    Spearmint, lemon, ginger ale — I had to alternate between these three things. Also, the best thing I found to put on my stomach after vomiting was plain potato chips. If I ate them before attempting real food, I was less likely to throw up.

    I’m feeling inspired to clean my bedroom today. Now I understand how those people on “Clean Sweep” live in such junky bedrooms. It is easier for me to attack other rooms in the house. Whenever I go in my bedroom, I am either drawn to the TV or the computer and I don’t get anything done.

  9. Shari Says:

    Licorice is very good for nausea. Nibs or just the regular twizzlers. I don’t know if it matters red or black, but I usually eat red.

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