Fri Sep 16, 2005

I’m reduced to eating Jello

I know some people really like Jello. I’m hit and miss, although I love that layered, sour cream jello thing. So, I’m running out of foods I can stand to take that gosh-awful taste out of my mouth and last night, I turned to Jello. And I’m enjoying it. Until I can’t stand it anymore, and then I don’t know WHAT’S next! I hate being this sick. It sucks my will to live. I don’t want to do anything!

Yesterday was a particularly bad day, so I didn’t even pick up my knitting. I’m not yet sure how today will be. The problem is that when I knit while nauseated, I then associate being nauseated with knitting, so feeling sick right now, I have no desire to knit because thinking of it makes me feel more nauseated. Make sense? No? I don’t blame you. I don’t make sense to me either, I’m just living through it.

Nate found the new Harry Potter trailer online this morning. We’ve watched it about 20 times. It looks SO good! I don’t head off to the movie theater very often, but I’m really looking forward to Elizabethtown and Harry Potter. Yesterday, I watched the first disc of the extended version of Fellowship of the Ring (I don’t think I need to link that one, you ought to know what it is), and the second Harry Potter movie. I’m still looking for a shot of Harry in his “H” sweater. I’ve seen pictures, but I have yet to either see or perhaps notice it in an actual MOVIE! Can anyone help me with that? Where the heck is it?

And finally, I neglected to fill you in on my doctor appointment Wednesday. I’ve had a few emails asking, so I’ll cut and paste my response in yesterday’s comments here. Thank you all for your concern and interest. It continues to surprise me.

“Oh! I forgot to say. My due date is still April 5th. We will re-evaluate after my second ultrasound at 20 weeks. He explained things much differently than the nurse did. (She was wrong). So we’re only one week (not three), off of what I think it should be. So in my mind, my due date is April 12th, but whatever. One week is not that big of a deal at this point. I’m sure it will make ALL the difference in April :-).”

11 Responses to “I’m reduced to eating Jello”

  1. LeAnne Says:

    My oldest was an April baby and I loved how I’d be up early nursing him and the birds would be waking up at the same time.

  2. hayden Says:

    Yay for Harry Potter! And LotR! AND Elizabeth town….

    I hope you start feeling better; is the Vit B helping at all today?

  3. Jennifer Says:

    One of my friends could only eat chocolate pudding during her first trimester. I don’t think she can even look at the stuff now. I hope you feel better soon!

  4. Hillary Says:

    Hi Laura!
    Just wanted to say congrats on the baby! I’m pregnant as well and my due date is April 11th! Don’t have as bad of nasea though…hope you are past that soon!

  5. Amy Lu Says:

    The only thing that cured my nausea was sucking on lemon slices. Real lemon slices, not candy. I carried a cut up lemon with me at all times. It worked like a charm. Odd, huh?

    From what I understand, the “H” sweater in Harry potter was filmed in a scene that was eventually cut from the movie. They released a picture of it, but it hasn’t actually been in a film. I’m not die-hard-harry-potter, so I could be wrong, but I think that was the answer when this came up on a message board a while back.

    Good luck with the Jello! (I was always really sick late in the afternoon, when Zaboomafoo was on, so I associated my nausea with a Lemur puppet. I still can’t watch that show.)

  6. jen Says:

    I’ve seen the movies, and I don’t remember Harry ever having an H sweater in the film(s). I actually remember thinking “Hey, why did they cut that?” when I saw the movie…

  7. Katie Says:

    Gee, I wonder why you’re looking forward to Elizabethtown… I think the 1st Harry Potter is the one where he gets a sweater from Ron’s mum for Christmas but I’m not sure if he wears it in that one. It’s funny because I just watched the 3rd one a few days ago in anticipation for the next one to come out!

  8. Jenifer Says:

    Hi Laura! I wanted to let you know that I got your stitch markers … they’re just beautiful, as the card that they came in! I really appreciate it, especially seeing as you’re so sick and everything right now. (YUCK!) But it’ll hopefully pass with the first trimester, right? Were you this sick the first time around?? Good luck to you …. I wish I knew something to tell you to make it go away, but I’m sure you’ve heard everything that I’ve heard. Anyhow, take care! PS — at least it isn’t August any more. 🙂

  9. Jessica Says:

    Oh, I watched the new HP trailer last night and hopped up and down like a little kid. I’m worried about the PG-13 rating though. I promised my 7 year old he could see the movies if he’s read the books. And he’s reading the 6th book right now. We don’t let him watch PG-13 films. I’m thinking I may have to make an exception here…

  10. stephanie Says:

    You poor little thing. Has anyone suggested sea-bands to you yet? They’ve made a big difference for some of my clients. One study showed that they helped in about 50% of pregnancy nausea.

  11. Dani Says:

    Laura, you are making perfect sense to me. I don’t even want to attempt to read another Anne Rice book because the first one I ever read was while I was on bedrest with my first kid. I also read Stephen King’s “The Stand” during that pregnancy, and when I tried to do a read-along with a friend recently I got sick before I got out of the first chapter.

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