Sat Sep 17, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 15

Hey. How’s it going? I’m still sick. Want to hear an awful story? It will only be truly awful to those of you who have gone through it (or something similar), because you’ll be able to feel my pain.

Yesterday, I wanted to make popcorn. We pop popcorn in oil in a saucepan on the stovetop. I put the oil in, put the single kernel in the pan to let me know when the oil was hot enough, and then got bored and went to read emails. I forgot about the pan and the oil and the popcorn and the fact that I ever wanted any.

When I finally surfaced, the house was filled with smoke and the oil in the pan was thick and black. It smells in my house. It will go away eventually (I’ve burned plenty of things in the past, and the smell always dissipates), but it smells, and I can’t stand it. I am SO scent sensitive when I’m pregnant. As if I needed anything else to turn my stomach! This is killing me, and it’s not fair.

So, no healthy post from me, but please, talk amongst yourselves.


13 Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 15”

  1. kathy Says:

    I had that feeling this week. Was reading blogs when my son said, “Hey Mom, is my quesadilla done yet?” My stomach dropped to my knees! Luckily he was really hungry this time, so he remembered before it was too late-just a little extra-crispy-toasted!

  2. Niter (Anita) Says:

    Ah, time for my favorite prescription: coffee.

    Not for you, but for your house (and in turn for you). Get a big can of coffee grounds and just leave them in the room–or better yet leave bowls off coffee about the house. In a few days, you can smell the burnt smell in the coffee and not in your house and toss it.

    Years ago (omigod I am so college dated now in my 9th year straight) when I was a freshman, I laughed how we never had firedrills in our dorm. I was studying off campus and recieved a quizical email from my roomie stating we had our first fire drill and sadly it was because she burnt popcorn in the room. It was suffocating. Her mother suggested coffee, we mocked her but in desperation followed the advice, and then ate our words.

    Coffee is also used when sniffing essential oils to clear your nose for scents so that you can keep sniffing past the point of when your nose can no longer distinguish scents.

  3. Dani Says:

    Laura, I hope that coffee suggestion works for you. I also had a strong olfactory sensitivity when I was pregnant, so I feel your pain.

    I’m walking a fine line, healthwise. I’m not sticking strictly to my WW plan but I am still losing weight. I lost another .9 of a pound this week, bring me to 7.5 pounds lost since I started WW about five weeks ago. Thank God for digital scales! It is encouraging to see even a few ounces fall off each week.

  4. jody Says:

    i’ve heard about that coffee thing too. i hope it works for you, and that you get past this sick period really soon.

  5. ~drew~ Says:

    Oh no… and you didn’t even get to enjoy the popcorn. =(

  6. karen Says:

    I feel sorry that your’re still sick.
    I was lucky enough for my 1st pregnancy – don’t know what morning (or day) sickness is…

    thanks for the link of the HP trailer, I can’t wait to be on November, and not only for my 4th wedding anniversary ;o)

  7. Jenny Says:

    Hi Laura! Yeah, I have heard about that coffee thing before, but have never remembered to use it myself so far. I know the last time my daughter and I were sniffing new perfumes at the store, the clerk had a container full of coffee beans she had us sniff to enable us to keep on. So, I think it should work for you! Yeah, come to think of it, I saw a recipe for home made soap made with coffee grounds to use in the kitchen to remove smells from your hands, like onions, etc.
    Anyway, by Friday morning, I had lost another two pounds for a total of 37 pounds lost. But, we went away for the weekend, and we’ll have to see what the scale says in the next few days. We did a little off-diet eating, but we hiked a TON.
    We hiked so much that I kept taking aspirin for the aches and pains in my legs. So, I guess we’ll find out if I gained, lost, or just broke even over the weekend.
    I use timers when I leave the kitchen for anything. That way, if I forget that I am doing something in the kitchen, the timer brings me back to reality!

  8. Katie Says:

    I loved that sketch! It was like buttah… Oh no, I’m feeling a little verklempt!

  9. Laura Says:

    HA! I was WONDERING if anyone was going to comment on that. I thought it was hilarious. I only saw it a couple of times, but man, was it funny!

  10. Tammie Says:

    O my! I forgot I was boiling eggs once, the water all boiled away and eventually the eggs exploded! My son started water for Mac and Cheese once and fell asleep…I came home and the water was gone and the pan was starting to turn red! Very Scary.

  11. sarah-jane davies Says:

    Did I miss something in the picture, or is it homegrown (ie US) culture?

  12. Laura Says:

    It’s a sketch from Saturday Night Live with Mike Meyers called Coffee Talk. Probably just an America thing. I don’t know if it’s broadcast outside of the US. But he/she gets emotional frequently and tells everyone to “talk amongst themselves”.

  13. Patti Says:

    You poor thing with the nausea! My first pregnancy was totally a breeze, it was fun! My younger guy – oy vey I was sick! Any smells set me off, too. I hope yours passes soon! I have NO tips, sorry.

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