Tue Sep 27, 2005

It’s my turn!

Nate is working from home today, and I just kicked him off the computer so I could post. He needs a break anyway, right?

Well, there isn’t much to report. Other than I’m extremely excited that dinner is already assembled and cooking in the crock pot. That’s going to make EVERYBODY happy. Because I still feel horribly rotten.

Abby’s sweater is blocking, and although you can’t tell from the picture, I AM capable of blocking a sweater.


Don’t ask me why it looks crooked. I know I measured it right, but that picture is so bad, I’m now paranoid and will re-measure as soon as I’m done here.

I picked up Flower Basket Shawl #3 again this morning and did 6 rows. Because I can count these knitting hours for school, I’m keeping a very meticulous time journal. It will be interesting to see just how long it takes me to knit it. I always add an extra chart repeat to this pattern to make it a little bigger, and that will add a couple hours to the project. I’m guessing at this point it’ll be about 16 hours total.

7 Responses to “It’s my turn!”

  1. Diana Says:

    It counts toward school? What school is that?

  2. Janell Says:

    School? Where knitting counts? What school is that and how do I enroll?

  3. Jenn Says:

    16 hours? It would take me waaay longer than that. But I’m slow I guess. Hope you feel better! The sweater looks great!

  4. Laura Says:

    Olivia is in a program in elementary school that is very “family involved”, and aside from the yearly fee of $200 per child, each participating family is required to contribute 80 hours worth of time into the program/school. At home work for school counts. So, I’m knitting a shawl for a dinner auction to raise funds for the school in November, because Olivia’s teacher asked me to head up the contribution for the auction from our class. The time I spend knitting it can be deducted from the 80 hours I have to put in this year. Sounds good to me. Particularly because once I’m further along in the pregnancy, and after I deliver, I’m not going to want to be at the school and in the classroom as much.

    I’m not 100% sure we’re using the shawl for the auction, but in case we are, I’m keeping track of my hours. The teacher and I are going to discuss what’s going to auction next week. But she liked the shawl idea, and since I’m in bed all day anyway, I figured I’d start on it. If not, I have a Flower Basket Shawl for myself, finally!

  5. Tori Says:

    Hi Laura,
    I have a question that is completely off subject….I want to know about the upright piano! We have one that looks similar as far as the little bit I can see of yours. Do you play? Anyway, I love reading your blog and wish you well and hope you feel better a little further along in your pregnancy. Take care, Tori

  6. FYRKRKR Says:

    La, I hate to point this out, but you realize there is a big hole there, don’t you?


    You actually have me contemplating the FBS as my next project…. especially since I now have the yarn…

  7. hayden Says:


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