Wed Sep 28, 2005

I’ve got nothing to say

(In all fairness, I should warn you that the only knitting content contained in this post is pathetic, and at the very bottom of the entry. The rest of this post is about me being sick, and other gross things, so if you aren’t interested, just skip me today and spare yourself the imagery).

I’ve spent the last hour perusing some of my favorite blogs, looking for inspiration, or more accurately, trying to get my brain thinking “posting” thoughts. It didn’t work. And I need to take a shower. Unfortunately, showering is on the list of things that make me gag, so I don’t get to do it as often as I would like. Basically, I have to wait until the lack of showering makes me gag more than the actual shower would. Then I have no choice.

Abby went back to school today. So before afternoon hits, when any chance of accomplishing anything dies hard, I hope to take Veronica to the store and pick up some things I’m hoping will help. Like new toothpaste (can’t stand the stuff I’ve got. Makes me gag), new dishwasher soap (same reason), toilet paper….

Fortunately, TP does not make me gag. (Can you imagine? That’d really suck). Although Veronica is having to learn real quick to either poo when Nate is home, or wipe herself, because the last time I walked into the bathroom to “help” her, I threw up. Violently. Fortunately, it made such an impression on her, that she doesn’t even ask me anymore. This is remarkable, as she seems to think that it is injustice in the highest that she be expected to handle her own bathroom responsibilities.

Abby was like that too. What gives?

On a funny note, Veronica has taken it upon herself to “stamp” me whenever I throw up. Sometimes, before I’m even done. She runs, gets her little, self inking stamp of a dog or something, (I don’t know exactly what it is, but it’s red), and gives me my “throw up stamp”. Or, as she would say, my “frow up stamp”. I guess she thinks it makes it all better.

Abby’s sweater blocked beautifully. It drapes like a dream. I would have to recommend Silky Tweed as a beautiful yarn that smells really freak weird when wet and blocking. (Hey, and come to think of it, it didn’t make me gag! So it must be a good yarn). So all that remains is sewing her up, which I will do soon. Don’t know when. I’ll try to work on it today, if the trip to the store doesn’t totally wipe me out. Blocking the sweater wore me out. It was so lame. I was out of breath and sprawled flat on my bed for about an hour afterwards. Yeah, pinning a sweater to the carpet is tough work. Whatever.

7 Responses to “I’ve got nothing to say”

  1. hayden Says:

    heh, you got stamps.

  2. Julie Says:

    For having nothing to say today, you sure cracked me up!
    I think life is giving you some good writing material.
    You should write a book!
    : )

  3. Laura Says:

    Yeah, my mom is always telling me that.

  4. meg Says:

    Well, at least you got out of Veronica potty duty. (heh. duty.)

    Hope you find a few more things that don’t make you throw up. Or as my sister would say, BARF.

  5. melanie Says:

    As a fellow pregnant knit blogger with nothing to say, I’m jealous of your ability to make shit up. That’s a damn amusing post! The puke stamp makes me look forward to having little ones. Thank you!

  6. Jenn Says:

    Hope you start feeling better soon! And your post was very interesting to read. Me being 20 and wanting kids, it makes me kinda second guess that for a while. 🙂

  7. Dani Says:

    At least the smell of the stamping ink doesn’t make you gag :-).

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