Tue Jun 22, 2004

Lily of the Valley again

I finished the body swatch for the Lily shawl.

image image

I’m glad the magazine posts a picture of what the swatch is supposed to look like, because it looks a lot different than the shawl itself, as does mine. I’m guessing that the way they block the shawl adds some curve to the straight lines of the pattern.

It’s been really hot here. I left early this morning and got a great bike ride in on the Burke Gilman Trail. (Wow, what a beautiful area this is!) So now, I don’t have to exercise in the heat later. That means, maybe I can start on mom’s cable cotton sweater!

5 Responses to “Lily of the Valley again”

  1. Jenny Says:

    Lucky you to have such a wonderful bike trail nearby that you can use! I looked at the link, and by golly, it goes past the town of Bothell, where I have more relatives! So much of it along the lakeshore…..I’d be out there everyday!
    You did such a nice job on your lily of the valley swatch! It is indeed beautiful!Gee, you’re having our heat, and we are having your cooler weather. I hope you get to start on your mom’s sweater. I really try to finish things before I start something new, but in my mind, I am always starting a new project!

  2. Laura Says:

    I like to finish projects before starting new ones, too. That’s why I finished the lily swatch yesterday instead of swatching the sweater. The only WIP I have right now is a lace scarf that I started as a swatch, and just kept knitting. It doesn’t feel like an official project, more like recreational knitting. Then there’s the Gayle socks, but I haven’t started the actual socks, I’ve just been looking for the right stitch/pattern.

  3. Kate Says:

    I love lilies of the valley, and that shawl is going to be beautiful– I miss the Burke-Gilman Trail! I used to jog or rollerblade for miles on spring afternoons. I don’t think there is any more restful place to run than along the water and through the neighborhoods.

  4. Laura Says:

    That’s good to hear! I’ve been wanting to rollerblade on the trail, but I’m afraid of having to stop on a downhill and not being able to. I’ve gotten a lot better with my balance and turning, but stopping still eludes me. Did you have any troubles?

  5. Kate Says:

    I’m not a great stopper, but I did okay! The only place I remember being scared was getting onto the trail (going down down down through UW campus) everywhere else I remember as being reasonable. Ach, I was young then (hee hee– 10 years ago I was 20!)

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