Thu Oct 6, 2005

Revisiting the VCC

For those of you who are new, this is the VCC.


Yup, back down to the armholes. I will knit another 4 inches, then begin them again. I think that this time, I’ll make the front pieces a little taller than the back, because the cable sucks up the length a little bit, and although the seaming sides on each piece are ribbing that match up nicely, the overall length of the front pieces aren’t the same as the back which is all ribbing. This time, I’ll compensate.


This is the VCC, frogged yarn, and my feet. I wound the yarn from the cardigan to the niddy noddy, and then skeined it. The skeins will get a nice, warm bath, and be hung to de-kink. Fortunately, I have 3 1/2 more skeins of this yarn, so I get to use FRESH, yummy yarn (Encore Colorspun, nothing exciting, but it does make a nice garment) to knit with.

I really did enjoy knitting this sweater, and I remember being a bit sorry it was over, so I should (theoretically) enjoy knitting it again. I hope.

A side note- my mom always taught me to look in the background of the pictures I’m taking and de-clutter. Thus, in most of my indoor pictures, you are led to believe that I live in a clean house. This is frequently a lie. My house is a mess, particularly now that I’m so sick. In fact, if you look at the last photo, and imagine a purple pile of Abigail’s pajamas and underwear heaped on the floor (top and center of the photograph), you will envision what I saw when first framing the shot. I stopped, picked up the clothes she left this morning (why my girls can’t change clothes in their room is beyond me, and it isn’t from my lack of reminders) and took the picture. If you look really close, you will notice the very large fuzz-bunnies that I didn’t pick up.

Don’t tell my mom.

Today, I’m going to go in search of pants that fit me. Mine don’t, and now that I’m trying to leave the house on occasion, my vast assortment of pajama pants aren’t cutting it. Besides, even they’re getting tight.

I’m 14 weeks now. The baby is about 5 inches long. I think I’m feeling movement, and this time, I think it’s legit because it’s down further in my abdomen, where the baby is, as opposed to the movements I was feeling some weeks ago, that were significantly higher. As it turns out, those were my unhappy innards grumbling around.

Aside from my abdomen pooching out, it’s starting to feel a little tighter and firmer, which is more fun that the previous feeling of incredible fatness and bloating.

I’m going to try to do some weights and PT before we head out today, so I might have a shot of shrinking into this gorgeous cardigan I’m re-knitting that as of right now, won’t fit me anyway.

5 Responses to “Revisiting the VCC”

  1. Tammie Says:

    You do such lovely work. Those cables are incredible! I have never done anything cabled yet. I am also impressed that you can frog, find your place and start again without losing stitches and messing it all up like I would have done.

  2. hayden Says:

    Oh, it will be pretty-ness incarnate when you are done! Pretty pretty!
    And now for the baby…5 inches? Cool. When will ou all find out the sex?

  3. rachael Says:

    Laura –

    I’m always impressed that you are so willing to frog back all that work to alter your knits!


  4. emy Says:

    Laura, you’ll score with the reknitting 🙂
    Have fun!

  5. Katie Says:

    Hmmm… Maybe someday I’ll start my VCC…

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