Tue Nov 22, 2005

Welcome to being pregnant!

Insert big hyper-tension-something-or-other-medical-term-here.

So, I’m fine I guess. They took some blood to test for blood sugar issues, anemia, and thyroid function, but the doctor said that I’m fine. He suggests getting up as much as I can, gradually, because staying down will only exacerbate the situation. He wants me to make sure I’m getting enough fluids, and he wants me to do a dietary change.

Which I expected.

But when I asked if he had any flyers or lists of recommended meals, he suggested looking at the South Beach Diet and the Weight Watchers programs with the intent to balance out proteins and good carbs.

Now don’t freak out. He hasn’t said a word about losing weight, and he isn’t putting me on a diet. He’s talking about balancing out blood sugar spikes. He said it will help me to be more resilient to being vertical.

I didn’t know much about the South Beach diet. I had heard it was similar to Atkins, without being as radical. Nate bought the book for me on the way home from work last night, and I spent a few hours reading it. The interesting thing is that with very few exceptions, and avoiding the extremes, it falls right into place with my dietary philosophy already.

That made me happy.

The nice thing is that the book gives a lot of variety and practical application in following that philosophy, which I didn’t have before.

It also spent a lot of time trying to convince me of things I already knew based on personal experience, which I discussed rather extensively in the first year of Health Group posts, if I’m remembering accurately.

So, off to modify the South Beach diet to be appropriate for pregnancy I am. And I’m pretty happy. I think the baby is, too, because he’s been kicking the heck out of me all last night and this morning.

We got to hear the heartbeat yesterday. It was Nate’s first time with this baby, and it was neat.

I’m planning on keeping a food journal, just to make sure the doctor approves of my implementation. I’ve been so infused with “Don’t Diet While Pregnant” from every book, magazine, and person with an opinion for so many years, that I want to make sure I’m being smart.

But I’m not too worried.

Thank you all for your comments and concern. Some of you made mention of my delusion about being on bed rest. My neighbor gave me what-for (in her politic and polite way) last night, and told me that while I am certainly doing considerably less than I normally do, it is her opinion that I am still doing a whole lot more than I realize.

Well, fine. I guess I am. But I’m still laying on the couch most of the time and neglecting personal hygiene. That seemed like a form of bed rest to me.

However, I’ve been told now to avoid laying down all the time if I can help it. So there we are.

I didn’t get any knitting done yesterday, what with the chiropractor, shuttling kids, the doctor appointment, and reading about how to eat.

Shut up. I’m aware that yesterday wasn’t a bed rest day.

Oh, and Abby took a spill last night and mangled her glasses as much as she possibly could have without breaking them. In fact, the woman trying to bend them back into shape at Lens Crafters was amazed she didn’t break them, and studied Abby’s face intently to see how she managed to pull through with both eyeballs still in their sockets.

Quite frankly, I think she was also trying to see if there was any sign of mishandling on our part, if you know what I mean.

She has a little welt on her cheek, and thankfully, that’s all. I wasn’t sure the glasses would be fixable, neither was the lady working on them. One of the lenses was half popped out, both nose pad things were flattened, and everything else was going off in unnatural directions.

But all is well.

As for crescent rolls…. My neighbor suggested calling Pete, since he knows how to do it, and asking for his assistance if I absolutely HAVE to make them. But she more strongly recommends buying dinner rolls at a store and even went so far as to make phone calls to local bakeries on my behalf.

I’m so loved.

16 Responses to “Welcome to being pregnant!”

  1. Jenn Says:

    It’s good to hear you are okay! I’ve been checking back looking for an update 🙂 Try not to do too much

  2. Heather Says:

    Now that is good news! I’m happy to hear that both you and the little one are ok. Have a wonderful & happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Krista Says:

    Glad to hear everything was okay. I had trouble with faintness when pregnant. No blackouts, but I just knew when to quit and eat/drink. It really helped me to eat or drink and sit for a while when I was feeling faint. Maybe that would help you to.

  4. jen Says:

    you might want to check into the Brewer Diet as well, it’s specifically designed for pregnant women, to help them avoid developing pre-eclampsia/toxemia.


  5. Rebecca Says:

    I totally totally love the South Beach Diet. You may not want to jump full force into Phase 1 but stick with Phase 2 with the pregnancy. I believe it is a much healthier way to live eating whole foods and really knowing where your food comes from. The best part for me is that everyone at work thinks I make the best lunches! I’m glad that you are doing well!

  6. Laura Says:

    Agreed. I’m NOT doing Phase 1.

    Thanks for the support, ladies.

  7. hayden Says:

    I’m glad you’re okay, and that the doctor was actually helpful, instead of vague. I hope things start to get “easier” for you. And I’m glad that Abby is all right. Alright? It’d have been interesting to see a pic of the glasses…I had mine taped together for almost a year in junior high.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  8. FYRKRKR Says:

    I’m glad it aligns with your already established beliefs. It is important to use tools you trust and are comfortable with, especially in such a critical period, as caring for a little one inside you.

    Glad Abby is OK and that people of the world care enough to wonder if kids are “just having accidents” or if it could be something more. We all know with you guys it isn’t anything more… The absence of Abner in the post about the spill was good for me to “not hear” as well! 🙂

  9. Robyn Says:

    I’m so glad to hear there is nothing really wrong. I developed preeclampsia with my son and had to be on bedrest and eventually induce my labor, which I hated. I was supposed to watch my diet, but that was so hard. Anyway, with my last pregnancy (just had her on the 13th), things were much easier thankfully. I hope that the eating change goes well, and that you get to feeling better.
    Oh, btw, I love the esther Williams hat and would join the knitalong, but am really finding it difficult to get much of anything done what with a 17 month old and a week old baby. Maybe one day I’ll get around to making it.

  10. Jennifer Says:

    I’m so glad to hear that you are ok! Have a nice Thanksgiving.

  11. Kathy Says:

    good news! up and at ’em, huh?
    happy thanksgiving!

  12. Katie Says:

    Wow Laura, I just read yesterday’s and today’s post and am glad to hear you’re ok! I do remember getting little dizzy spells when pregnant, but they went away when I drank more water. Sounds like you’re doing all the right things though – of course, you are an experienced mama! Glad that Abby’s ok as well – Hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  13. Tonia Says:

    Glad to hear that all is well with you and the little baby bean. I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    How could your neighbor suggest dinner rolls with your cresent rolls being so good?. I believe that everyone would be very dissapointed. I would get as much help as you can from the girls and anyone willing that wants to eat them. I am sure that you will have plenty of voulenteers.

  14. Scout Says:

    So glad to hear you are okay!

  15. Dani Says:

    Good to hear that you are OK!

  16. katrina grace craig Says:

    what a blessing that you, the child within, and abby are all just fine. and the rest of the family too.

    happy thanksgiving!

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