Tue Nov 22, 2005

I guess it’s about time

I was talking with one of Olivia’s classmate’s moms yesterday… and I wasn’t even saying that much, but we were talking about how I’m doing, and how I’m basically on self-imposed bed rest, and I guess something I said sounded bad. So, she asked when Nate was getting home, what my doctor had said about it, and that I was scaring her.

Well, I hadn’t talked to my doctor about it, but after hanging up the phone with the mom, I decided that calling him wouldn’t be a bad idea. So I did. They told me to go to the ER, and I said no. I’ve been this way for months, I didn’t think the ER was warranted. So I have an appointment with my doctor today.

The thing is, that although I haven’t had this experience in a pregnancy before, it still is somewhat common for pregnant moms to feel dizzy, blackout sometimes, have difficulty breathing, pounding heartbeats, etc.

Stop that, it is.

Plus, this is my 4th pregnancy. And while it’s different than my others, by the 4th time, you just don’t freak out about things like you do with the first one. It’s like, I’ve been here, DONE this, and I’m just biding my time.

Well, the nurse and nurse practitioner said that if I’m blacking out, my brain isn’t getting enough oxygen. Hence, neither is the baby.

Hadn’t thought of that.

They are going to check a bunch of stuff out today, and she said something about prescribing bed rest.

To which I responded that I’ve been on bed rest (for the most part) since I was 9 weeks.

Anyway, I’m going to the doctor today. I don’t exactly know what to expect, but I am surprised that they’re making a biggish kind of deal out of this. However, I haven’t talked to my doctor yet. So far, it’s been the nurses only.

I’m kind of expecting to be put on a strict diet. I’ve always felt that my symptoms were blood sugar related, but I haven’t been able to figure out what to eat to help myself. I’m hoping that they’ll enlighten me.

It remains to be seen whether or not I’ll be allowed to make a zillion crescent rolls for Thanksgiving dinner, as I have for the last 6 years. It’s come to be expected, particularly with some of Nate’s siblings. Everybody loves the crescent rolls.

In fact, Pete emailed me from Italy on his first Thanksgiving there, and asked for a detailed recipe and “how to” for crescent rolls. Apparently, they were a big hit, and he spent quite a few afternoons in various italian kitchens, showing women how to make them. The funny thing is that the italians kept trying to change the recipe, mainly adding oil instead of butter, and were surprised when they didn’t turn out the same.

Anyway, back to Thanksgiving, I’m guessing the gingerbread turkeys are out of the question.

I started an Esther Williams yesterday, and I’m timing myself. It’s another red one, and I’m 2 hours into it.


Anyone else start theirs yet?

22 Responses to “I guess it’s about time”

  1. Maggie Says:

    I’m sorry your pregnancy is more difficult than the others, and it’s good to be getting some tests done to make sure everything is okay, which I’m sure it is. Nevertheless, I’m sending you good vibes! Hope you feel better soon, and I can’t wait to find out what your next ultrasound says…gender confirmation, right? Next week? Yay!

  2. Lia Says:

    I love the hat, but haven’t gotten up the nerve to try it. My brain hates following patterns – it always rebels.

    I hope all works out with the baby that is giving you a heck of a time. My friend said her worst part of pregnancy was other people telling her what she “should” do or how things “should” be going. I think that you might know your body better as you have been living with it for quite some time…

    Hang in there!

  3. Kathy Says:

    You have NOT been on bedrest-you go to bed when you are falling down exhausted from all the work you have been doing! There is a difference! (I learned this with my 1st pregnancy pre-eclampsia.) I will be praying that the Dr. can help you get things under control. And, at the risk of sacrilege, Pillsbury crescents come right out of the can and onto the pan;)

  4. Janell Says:

    I have noticed that since the announcement of your pregancy and you seem to be physically miserable. Things normally get better during the 2nd trimester and it sounds like to me you have had 2 1st trimesters.

    I also agree with the other posts. Bed rest is not getting up from your bed. Only to go to the bathroom and shower (in most cases every other day). If you are cooking, getting your girls dressed, off to school, cleaning, grocery shopping, then you are not on bed rest.

    Good luck. If we don’t see posts for the next 4 months, I’ll assume you are lying vertical (on your side), gestating and awaiting your new babe!

  5. Laura Says:

    Hey now. I’m not doing that much. Only in spurts and as necessary. I spend almost all of my time on the couch with my feet up. Other than making lunches and nagging them to get dressed, Nate gets the girls off to school. I only cook sometimes. Very rarely go grocery shopping. VERY rarely. And just ask my neighbor friends what my house looks like. I’m not cleaning either.

    And showering? Um, well, I’m doing good if I shower every other day.

    So while I’m admittedly not on STRICT bed rest, I do spend most of my time laying down. By necessity. If I don’t, I’ll pass out.

    I appreciate your concern, and I’ll let you know how it goes.

  6. Kathy Says:

    The family will all survive without the crescent rolls if you can’t make ’em. I used to think “I have to do this thing or that thing or it will not be a real Christmas/Easter/insert holiday here.” But it will be OK.

    Please take care of yourself and don’t do too much.

  7. Jenn Says:

    Oh Hunny, I hope everything is okay. I’m not sure how pregnancies are suppose to go, bc well not been pregnant (want babies so bad though, marriage first though 🙂 ) I hope the doctor appointment goes well and you just have to be on bed rest or something, then you can get all kinds of knitting done! Let us know how it goes.

  8. jsc Says:

    I will be sending good thoughts your way. The dizziness does worry me a bit.

    I had 2 miserable pregnancies, threw up all the way thru both, even during delivery. I have 2 healthy kids, 7 and 8lbs at birth.

    I went to Village Yarn & Tea yesterday to get my yarn for Esther Williams, they asked what I was making and when I told them they all started gushing about you. =)

  9. melanie Says:

    WOW, I hope everything is ok. Sending you good pregnancy vibes!

  10. Heather Says:

    I so hope that everything is ok and you get nothing but good news today at the doctor. Take care 🙂

  11. Jenifer Says:

    Hey there Laura … hope you’re taking care of yourself!! Good wishes are coming your way …

    And I’d so join up for your EW kal, but I’m now finishing items and THEN joining. That means that I might just finish the hat and let you know one of these days! 🙂 (ha.)

    Take care!!

  12. Sue Warren Says:

    I hope that things improve for you after you see your doctor. I have had 2 children. 1st pregnancy was vomiting until 8:00p.m. when I could eat, and then throwing it up at 6:00 a.m. the next day. My 2nd pregnancy I used to feel hot and sweaty and then I would have dizzy spells. I almost fainted in the grocery store once. Everything started spinning. I had to sit down with my head between my knees and have a drink of water. My GP told me that the dizzy spells were because of the baby taking all of the sugar and my level of sugar would drop, but then at the end of my pregnancy I was told not to have sugar as it makes the baby bigger. Needless to say she was 9 pound 2 and I had a really easy birth. Good luck Laura, and by the way I love seeing pictures of your beautiful girls and the lovely things that you make.

  13. hayden Says:

    Oh, I hope your doctor only gives you good news, and a better understanding of the diet that you’re supposed to be on, or should be on.
    I hope you feel better!

  14. Jennifer Says:

    I hope you find out some answers from your doctor!

    I’ll be thinking of you!

    I’m casting on for my Esther Williams this weekend. 😉

  15. Kirsten Says:

    I am thinking of you. Hope all goes well.

  16. jen Says:

    dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and low blood sugar are all (easily-remedied) causes of dizziness, in people both pregnant and un-pregnant. Of course, it’s easier to have those conditions when your body is supporting another life, but I wouldn’t worry too overly much until the test results come back. My midwife admonished me for letting my dizzy spells get to near-passing out levels, but once I started drinking 3 times as much water as I thought I needed, I didn’t get dizzy anymore, didn’t see spots anymore, didn’t nearly fall over when getting up out of bed anymore.

    And there is a lot of debate over whether bedrest does any good in cases where there aren’t cervical issues, so take things at a pace you’re comfortable with, and if that means you get up to do stuff when you have the energy, and then veg on the couch for the rest of the day, so be it.

    Much love & good pregnancy vibes,

    Jen, who is 2 days “past due,” still gestating, and wondering if she’ll be the first person on record to be pregnant forever.

  17. Jacqueline Says:

    I am thinking of you, hope all will be well. Enjoy your Thanksgiving day with tyou family. I am certain they will understand if you can’t get the cresent rolls made….there is always next year.

    I would love to make the Esther Williams hat, I just don’t know if I am up to that much of a challenge.

  18. Lisa Says:

    I have thought many times while reading your blog, “When is this poor girl gonna feel better?” I hope all is well and you will see a change soon. It must be a boy, he’s causing trouble already! I started my hat and I love it! I am using Lorna’s Laces in Ocean (how perfect), but I have only gotten to row5. I don’t seem to have have strands to lift after I knit the first 4 stitches. I counted ahead and the strands seem to be just ahead of where they should be. Is it just me?

  19. Cheryl Says:

    I hope you’ve been to the dr’s and they’ve given you some idea of what’s going on. I had problems in my pregnancy also ( the boy is 9 now ).. but this is really nothing to mess around with. I am sure the dr will, but ask for an echo to see what’s going on with the heart thing…..

  20. Ageless & Gaugeless Says:

    Hope all is well.

    The family can do without rolls.

    They need you more.

    Have a restful Thanksgiving….

  21. Dani Says:

    What you described sounds familiar. I remember with my second pregnancy I was too fuzzy-headed to realize that I was sick. The doctor was telling me that I needed to be admitted to the hospital and I was asking him why he couldn’t examine me right there in his office. I argued with him! In the end I had to be hospitalized with dehydration. So even though you think you’re just a little tired and dizzy, you may not be thinking clearly enough to recognize that you’re sick.

  22. Annie Says:

    Hey sister (I mean Howdy)
    Well Texas is warm and sunny. I was just thinking that you are becomming a bit infamous in the on-line blog knitting community – have ya thought about writing a book? Us Texans don’t have much use for books, (other than to swat at those Texas sized flies that buzzz by on the dusty range) but I reckon there are plesanty of folks that just might have a need for a knittin’ book by Poor Miss Finch. I don know. Jus’ an idea
    your sister Annie (git yer guns)

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