Sat Dec 10, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 27

Well, I’m late but I didn’t miss the Saturday post! Nate and I were out all day, having a glorious anniversary, then we picked up the kids and headed strait off to the church Christmas party, where Veronica was a sheep



Olivia was a star


and Abigail was THE star!


It was quite fun, however you can probably tell from the grainy pictures that I couldn’t get very close, and I couldn’t zoom in because there was almost NO light on the stage, and my flash wouldn’t reach that far, so I had to turn it off. I’m amazed I got anything in the way of post-able pictures at all.

Oh, and I have to tell you, the boy to Veronica’s right kept whacking her on the head with his sheep mask, and the two kids on either side of her kept banging their sticks on the stage loudly. V just sat there, looking a little confused by them, and quietly sitting with her mask. It was hilarious, and I was proud of her.

So, on to Health Group…

I did my physical therapy exercises on Wednesday. It was good. I’m still feeling better, although I haven’t stuck as well to the “no sugar rule” this week. I need to do better so I don’t have a relapse of unpleasant pregnancy symptoms.

How was your week?

6 Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 27”

  1. Hayden's Mom Says:

    actually, this is Hayden, but…Yay for Christmas Pagents…I haven’t been to one of those in forever!! Actually, not since I was in them. I’m glad you and Nate had a good anniversary; can’t wait to hear all about it Monday.

  2. Dani Says:

    It was another unhealthy week for me. I didn’t eat right or exercise. My motivation has plummeted. I’m glad that you had a good PT session, though.

  3. Emy Says:

    Well, Veronica is such a dear 🙂

  4. kirs Says:

    Thanks for posting these pics! EmJ was so excited to see Veronica, but couldn’t recognize anyone else in their “costumes”! So cute!

  5. Shelley Says:

    Those pics are so cute. I can’t wait until mine is old enough for cute plays.
    Staying off sugar is very hard, but well worth it. I have been off it now since November 1st. I find that after about 3 or 4 days the cravings completely disappear. Good luck!

  6. FYRKRKR Says:

    Yes, but they look SO VERY happy, particularly cute shot of V !!!

    I have been up to 190 again, but no further and I have started going back to 24hour fitness and riding the recumbent bike there. My knee has been giving me problems again. My PT had me come in for a complimentary 15 minute check in, which was very nice and extremely helpful on the pocketbook and my knowledge of what to do & not to do. He says my hamstrings are not as strong as my quads and it is the spot where those muscles attach that is hurting me so I need to beef up my hams. So now i know what to do.

    I also need to avoid the candy …ahem … and soda … but keep up with all the salads I’ve been doing!

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