Mon Jun 28, 2004

No pictures today

My camera battery died. This would be the second lithium camera battery I’ve burned through since receiving the camera from generous cousin Elisa about a month ago. After the first one choked, I got all aggravated and was complaining about the expense of not having rechargables when I realized that I had taken and used many, MANY pictures on a camera I didn’t pay a cent for, and without having to buy a single roll of film or pay for any developing. That shut me up right quick. So I will go to the store (very sweet naturedly) and happily purchase another two pack of camera batteries, hopefully today.

Olivia’s backpack is coming along. It is truly humongous, and I have to keep telling myself that it will be 40% shorter after it’s felted. I’m still nervous. I have invested a lot of yarn in this backpack. More than I anticipated, so I’m going to have to run out and buy another skein each of purple and brown. Fortunately, I can continue knitting, because I don’t need those colors for awhile.

Now that I’m almost done with the bag portion, I’m starting to think about the flap, and how exactly I’m going to construct it. I’d explain in detail why it isn’t as simple as it seems it should be, but that would take a long time, and most likely be extremely boring. That being said, I may do it anyway once I get to that point.

3 Responses to “No pictures today”

  1. laura.marie Says:

    It must just be one of those days. I went to take photos this morning and THREE sets of rechargeable batteries (which I thought I was keeping charged up) were all down. I feel your pain 😉

  2. Iko Says:

    I learned my lesson the hard way after burning through something like five batteries on my vacation in London.

    Now, I’ve got two rechargable batteries and I just swap them in and out, easy peasy. My battery charger? Right next to my cell phone charger. I’m very good keeping it charged. If only I can remember to return the compact flash card from the slot in my computer to the one in my camera, I’d be golden.

  3. Jan Says:

    My camera batteries retail for $19.99 but I buy them at for $6.24 each. (Kodak Max CRV3) If you order $25.-worth, you even get free shipping! Do a search for your battery there!

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