Tue Jun 29, 2004

I am not a pattern writer,

And probably never will be. Sure, I’ve dreamed of one day seeing myself published, earning fame and praise from knitters everywhere, but I am coming to the realization that I’m too selfish. “Too selfish for fame and notoriety? Sounds silly!” Perhaps, but it is very true. Pattern writing takes a DANG LOT OF TIME! Holy cow! When I’m hashing something out, I start off paying meticulous attention to every stitch and row. After frogging and re-working said recorded rows a few times, I’m sick of writing, I’m sick of erasing, crossing out, scribbling over, I just want to FINISH THE DARN THING so I can move on to something else! In order to truly write a pattern, I have to not only accurately record everything, but I have to analyze it and make sure I’ve done it in the most efficient, logical, and visually appealing way. Then It needs to be written clear enough so that someone who is not me will know what in the world I am talking about.

I don’t want to.

It seemed a logical aspiration in days gone by, as I’m constantly creating, changing, and inventing wonderful things to knit. I now realize that while I am happy to share rough notes of my doings with anyone, I think I am ready to give up any notion of becoming a “name” in the knitting community. It simply isn’t meant to be.

What inspired this rant? What amazing, complex, and incredible feat of knitting has brought me to my knees and face to face with the above realization?

A dress. A silly little dress, for a silly little doll. I don’t even have the heart to show you a picture today because it isn’t even that cute.

So today, I’l be working on a backpack.

One Response to “I am not a pattern writer,”

  1. Kerstin Says:

    I don’t blame you. Knitting is supposed to be FUN. I enjoy well written patterns and I’m grateful someone else wants to do the dirty work. I’ll gladly pay for a pattern, think of all the time saved!

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