Fri Dec 30, 2005

We finally got our day out

Yesterday afternoon, we went into the city. I needed shoes, and Nate was in a shopping mood, so he took me to John Fluevog. He’s loved and worn their shoes since high school, but I had never tried them. Well, I’m glad they had a great clearance section, because I came home with three pair of gorgeous shoes that I can’t find pictured on their site, unfortunately. But still, three pairs of Fluevogs!

You’re so good to me Nate.

Then we went to the Seattle Center to visit the Children’s Museum again, have dinner, dance to “Pink Elephants on Parade” played by the Circus Contraption band,


and watch the Arialistas perform. (Thanks to my internet shy neighbor for the tip-off)!




That’s right. We’re in the front row. This is one of the only times I didn’t bring knitting to the Seattle Center, and as it turned out, I had to sit for over an hour holding our seats. I could have been knitting a sock!

Today, my goal is to clear the garage of unorganized Christmas boxes so I can start exercising again with the New Year. There are piles of ornament boxes in front of me that need to be stacked and stored once more.

I’m going to be tired tonight.

No Responses to “We finally got our day out”

  1. Heidi Says:

    Wow! I have loved Fluevog’s since high school also!! I must have a dozen pairs, though haven’t bought any for at least 8 years… Seattle Center looks way fun!!


  2. Gina Says:

    The Arialistas show looks amazing. I really go it for that sort of thing! Happy New Year to you and your family. Enjoy those Fluevogs!

  3. RachelH Says:

    Wow, what a fun day! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  4. hayden Says:

    What a fun night you guys all had; it looks like fun. Good luck with all of your cleaning/organizing!!
    Happy New Year!

  5. FYRKRKR Says:

    Happy New Year! I am looking forward to a great 2006 with lots of posts to Health Group…ahem…and loads of cleaning, too. I haven’t been my normal Christmas Elf this year and I, too am ready to strip down the decs. I also am intrigued by this Panta idea. My youngest niece, Kristina, the crocheter, has decided that knitting will be her new passion and I think perhaps we should make Pantas together. How cool would that be? She is dying to learn to knit in the round. That and she wants a Miss Finch Doll!!!

  6. Karma Says:

    Woah, I haven’t worn Fluevogs since high school, either. What a blast from the past. I should go check out the clearance rack; thanks for the tip.

    Happy New Year!!

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