Sat Dec 31, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 30

Good afternoon, and a happy New Year to you!

Yesterday, I made some significant progress in the garage clearing out my exercise space, but there’s more to do.

I’m approaching 240 pregnancy weight, which I’m dreading more than I thought I would. It’s pushing me to action. When I was pregnant with Veronica, I stayed in the same clothes for most of it, because I was losing tummy fat while gaining baby bulge. It worked out beautifully. I’d sure like to do that again.

The problem is cravings. I have a serious sugar addiction going on, and it sucks. I need to kick it in the butt. So far, the addiction is winning. Every time I get all psyched up and motivated, I crumble within hours to sugar. Which wipes out productive energy as well as adding empty calories.


But, overall, I have a lot more consistent energy than I have had in a long time. I’d like to make the most of it before the third trimester really sets in. I’m close. I don’t know when it technically begins, but I’m almost 27 weeks now, so it’s coming.

Lots of things are going to happen in the new year. I need to get ready for baby. I want to start knitting for baby, and I want to get in better shape so I don’t feel like a flabby lump after delivery. I’d like to at least be able to feel some muscles buried in there. Even if they’re fatigued and hiding.

Let’s hear some New Year’s goals for Health Group!

Mine are these…

I’d like to spend about 45 minutes a day, six days a week doing some light exercise. I want to alternate physical therapy and weights with the treadmill.

I want to drink more water. I’ve fallen off that wagon.

I want to eat healthy and not succumb to my stupid sugar cravings.


7 Responses to “Health Group- Year 2, week 30”

  1. Janell Says:

    When I was pregnant with Harrison I gained only 16 lbs, but lost 34 lbs afterwards due to nursing and the fact that I was losing weight while pregnant. He came out just fine- 9lbs 1 oz. I’m still about 15lbs lighter than my pregnancy weight so it was a weird way to lose some pounds.

    Remember that eating bad foods begins at the grocery store. Don’t buy the crappy food to begin with and you won’t eat them at home. Or just buy a candy bar at the store when you do your grocery. You’ll only have one; once it’s gone, it’s gone. Good luck with your goals Laura.

  2. Maggie Says:

    I can’t be trusted at the grocery store, so I send my husband with a list and instructions not to deviate. But we still manage to pop over to the corner store for chips every now and again.

    My goals for this year are to lose at least another 25 pounds, and to increase the amount of exercise I’m getting from none to some. My initial weight loss of 25 pounds is still holding, even after the holidays. I’m maintaining quite well, now it’s time to start losing again.

  3. jacqueline Says:

    Laura, Happy New Year! Be happy!! Your goal will come to you, don’s beat up on yourself if you have bad day, make healthy choices and in time everything will fall into place.

  4. Cathy Says:

    Good for you Laura! It sounds like you have some great goals and a good handle on things. If I may, I’d like to join your little health group! I have been struggling with my weight since I was in my teens – I’m 45 now. I managed to get down to between 100 and 110 for many years in my 20’s but am now up over 200 – much too heavy for my bad back and my 5’2″ frame. I never weighed this much with any of my 4 pregnancies so it is putting quite a strain on my frame. I don’t ever expect to weigh what I did (I didn’t eat much back then and I smoked – which is a great appetite suppressant). I have dug out my eliptical machine and am hoping to take our puppy (7 months old) for walks as soon as some of this ice dissappears.

    I wish you a Happy New Year with your lovely family.

  5. Katie Says:

    Water, water, water! Good goals – Drink way more than you think possible… I learned this the hard way last time I was pregnant. Happy New Year and best wishes toward your 3rd trimester!

  6. FYRKRKR Says:

    Hi Cathy! Great to have you join the group! I sat down yesterday and wrote a huge list of goals for 2006. A lot of them fell into the “physical” category. As I had lost a cumulative of 40 pounds leading up to and during 2005, but managed to gain back 8 of those 40 over the month of December, I had some real evaluation and honesty to deal with. First and foremost, I had a sugar addiction. Peppermint is a real weakness of mine and the holidays are so hard with all the goodies…but they are now over. I also admit that with George sick and then passing away, I really didn’t care about anything, what I ate, drank or otherwise, and I certainly haven’t worked out for well over 3 weeks now. I also bought soda, which immediately meant I was not drinking water. Odd, because Peppermint and Ice Water taste really great together.
    Amber, our Samoyed, needs to lose weight and in fact has lost 5 pounds over the past month, so Yay for Amber! She is 13 but still active and for her health and well being now that George is gone, really needs me to be her playmate. So, one of the goals is that we will walk or play everyday. We’re starting slow, but she was delighted over her new soft frisbee. For a stocking stuffer, my MIL gave me 10 more water aerobics classes to the pool we go to together, with a parking pass. So here are Gayle’s Health Group Goals 2006.
    Get my butt out of bed and swim with Jo (up to) 3 times a week or try to hit an evening class if I can’t do the AM.
    Walk & play with Amber and show her how much I love her and appreciate her being in my life.
    Ride my bicycle when the weather dries up a bit.
    Use my gym membership 3 days a week.
    Find a Yoga class to attend – maybe at the gym?
    Do my PT exercises 4 days a week.
    Drink water not pop.
    Eat wholesome foods, not junk or processed crap.
    Eat regular meals, not skipping meals.
    Meditate 2 days a week or more.
    all of which will allow me to reach my ultimate goal: Lose 50 pounds or more by December 2006.

  7. Dharma Says:

    Sugar cravings? Up your protein intake. Really. I have a goal to lose weight as well. Not sure how I want to do it, but the serious walk with the Puppyman sure helped today.

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